A little less straightforward and simply charming than the first, but it is still the peak intersection of story, puzzle, and action

Damn. They did it again. How did they make my favorite game of all time even better?

God I love this game. But damn... Blizzard doesn't make it easy to love it.

My favorite game of all time... Until Tears of the Kingdom beat it

Honestly, better than I remember, more fun than expected, and shorter than I was fearing. Maybe even too short?

Probably the best MGS game. And I don't say that lightly.

If you didn't play this back in the day on original hardware, you're going to need to get over yourself and embrace the janky controls. Because when you do, the game is a masterpiece.

Gameplay was a huge leap from MGS1 but the charm died a little. Still absolutely worth playing because Kojima is an unhinged mad man who has convinced people to let him make games.

The best gameplay of any MGS game, but sadly, also the worst story... and that's a huge draw of the series. Thanks a lot Konami. Just let Kojima cook!

This is a glorified demo for MGSV, but damn. It's still good. I don't normally replay games, but this one is short enough and fun enough that I played through it a few times as I waited for MGSV

Some might hate on the long cutscenes, but this game deserved it. It felt like a worthy end to a series hero, but the gameplay itself lacked a bit, especially compared to the other top-tier installments in the series.

It's wild that this is (was) a PSP exclusive. It's such a integral part of Big Boss' story and added in some SUPER fun mechanics that were perfected in MGSV.

Honestly, better than expected, but a little repetitive and not quite the level of storytelling that the other mainline Halo games have. But, characters are interesting, combat is engaging, and the world is as rich as ever.


This game made me feel things I haven’t felt in a long time.

It’s not bad, per-se, but it’s not worth your time.