Loses a star for capsule hitbox. How dare you, this was hard enough as is but you just HAD to make something that SLiPS OfF oF EvERYTHinG!

its an alright puzzle game now if only my cartridge slot was still working.

Absolutely amazing. It's hard to believe a terraria MOD gets this much love! Well balanced, a story you can explore(or ignore), tons of content, just plain great stuff! This is truly the BEST version of terraria.

I NEED MORE! This game is just epic and I sure do wish I owned it on PC so that I can get mods.

I love this game so much. I played these games back when I was a kid and it's great to see them treated with such love and respect! I play this game regularly and continue to enjoy playing it.

I really love this game I just happen to stink at it. Great sprite work, a wonderful story, crazy platforming, it has it all. Aaaaaand I am never 100%ing this game because of the insane difficulty of the B-sides and C-sides.

I love this game! I never liked this kind of game before, mainly because it didn't seem like anything more than: build factory on a 2d plane and pray you have good algebra, but satisfactory has proven that there can be more to a factory game. There's exploration, hidden items, enemies, bosses technically. While I do enjoy those I have found that I actually like the building part, it challenges your brain to think about 3d spaces, production values, power, etc. This game has stolen one of my top spots and will stay there as I continue to play this masterpiece(wait its early access? THERE'S MORE COMING?)

Alright, I'm saying it. This is Valve's Magnum Opus.

I played this on 3D all stars. Yeaaaah so sue me.

Best Smash game I've played (Ive only played this and smash 4).

Eh, got really boring after about a month. Just not my thing.(still a good game regardless)

I love this game, and will happily play through it sixteen more times.