PEAK FICTION, Cool mode and free styling is perfected it's the just right flavour of crazy, the music is TOO groovy. It is a greek tragedy they aint drop a third game. Straight 10 all gas no ass.

Cool mode and freestyling are done alot better here and the plot (humbly this isn't a story shit just happens 💀) is crazier then parappa which is always a good thing.

Great ass game, the levels are all groovy although cool mode and freestyling are clunky but that aint really matter when you're lost in the damn baking rap 😭 also really short like 30 mins long definitley gonna have my kids playing this when they know what a music is.

The gameplay gets repetitive after a while and that grind be like a 90's rpg but it has some fun ass bosses and the game is just hilarious, Feeling a strong 8. That ending crazy too don't get me twisted 😭

It's still a fun time and all but it still got some issues the ending drags on way way too long, it dosen't control as well as the others, level themes are basic as hell and the frame rate is god awful sometimes, but that core still great. Strong 7 but all that just means is that 2 is one of the greatest improvements I've EVER seen in a game series also the low poly look really fit the series.

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Wow. I really didn't think that Shu Takumi could make another ace attorney on the the same level of Trials and tribulations or Apollo Justice but here I am with this masterpiece right here. Everything from the charming victorian era setting to the wonderful characters and their interactions to the phenomenal twists and turns, it's all here and accounted for, along with some great new gameplay elements that don't just feel like another gimmick but are all genuine evolutions from the standard ace attorney fare. I am not lying when I tell you there is not a single bad or boring case in this duology they're all great and I especially love the fact that they all connect or intertwine in some way or another, that's something I genuinely need future ace attorney games to do. And don't even get me started on those last 2 cases of the duology, those have gotta be some of the best this series offers and some real peak fiction, The amounts of twists and turns they take with Klint van zieks and Iris being his daughter, susato's dad being the real Wilson etc and they all land PERFECTLY. Barok van zieks has to be top 3 prosecutors along with Edgeworth and Godot man, The trauma of his brothers passing and that leading to his cold and xenophobic demeanour is executed alot better than what alot of people give it credit for, And him having to bear his brothers last will and confession as the professor, man it's so good. Kazuma's return was really well done and i'm really glad that they didn't make Ryunosuke and Susato some bumbling idiots when seeing the "Masked man" for this first time and instead immideiatly catching on, besides that he just serves the role of a better Mia to Ryunosuke, being the backbone of his beliefs and what he aspires to be in adventures but instead of being just that, when he comes back as a prosecutor in resolve, this time things are different and that causes Ryunosuke to gain the resolve to forge his own path as a real great ace attorney with his own beliefs and convictions instead of just chasing Kazuma's. I can obviously tell that this is what Shu Takumi really wanted after t&t, a clean slate with new fresh faces and a different setting and I really am glad I had the pleasure of playing through it. Those are my unfiltered thoughts, I just beat this game a couple of days ago and am still feeling many things.

This. This is the best game in the original Phoenix Wright trilogy, everything is done damn near perfectly here that I honestly have no complaints. The cases never once felt boring, godot is one of if not THE best prosecutor in the series and the way they build up to his eventual downfall during case 4 and executing it perfectly in case 5 is phoenominal. Phoenix coming full circle at the end of the game becoming a lawyer as good as mia and being her living legacy is done super well especially when you see him as a bumbling dork in the flashback at the start of the game to compare to. You can really feel that this was supposed to be the end of the series and it all fits so perfectly that I honestly wouldn't have minded that at all. Thank you, Our lord and saviour Mr. Takumi. 🙏

I can't even pull up with no fancy shmancy review like I usually do, I just can't, that shit wouldn't do it justice, easy ball top 5 member and dual destinies needs to be erased from human history for undoing what this game started.

I'd talk about why i love this game so much but we already have.

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I adore this game. I don't think it's the best in the series but man if it isn't an amazing start, Fun cases, loveable, goofy and most importantly, human characters. The gameplay is great too, a bit plain compared to the later games and their magic braclets and summoning rituals but it still alotta fun when you crack a case wide open like an egg. The music is great and fits with the situations it's used in perfectly. Turnabout samurai is the only case I have real issues with since it can get really boring and overstays it's welcome but at the same time it also introduces some great character growth in Edgeworth. The final case though is definitely still one of the best in the series to date. The stakes are just high enough with Edgeworth being the defendant and all and Von karma is a little TOO menacing in court espeically with that deep ass objection, I still haven't played rise from the ashes but even then, Man this is such a classic.

The perfect Metroidvania. Some of the Metroids come close but nothing has the same elegance and sheer perfection in it's art style, Level design, Weapons, Abilities, Movement and Music as symphony does. The level design easily complements the first time player preventing them from getting completely lost but instead encouraging them to explore with multiple pathways with stronger equipment if you chose to go that route. The weapons are also really nice in variety each of them having their own unique feel and reason to use them, the Crissaegrim, RAD. The shield rod, RAD. The Alucard sword and its weird teleport thingy, RAD. The music is just legendary and Michiru Yamane definetley tapped into no black magic voodoo vince ass arts to get the perfect balance between funky fresh tunes and atmospheric jams which all fit in where they've been placed in the game. I've never laid my grubby mitts upon a game that controls as buttery smooth as sotn does, Not even Super Mario Sunshine can compare to how nice and flowing Alucard can be especially with the gorgeous 32 bit spritework that goes along with it. All this not to mention the fact that this has to be one of if not the most replayable game I have ever had the pleasure of playing especially with the trick to keep all of Alucard's gear at the start of the game. If you haven't already you NEED to play this game NOW, It really is worth it's salt.

This is the first game that really made me feel like I was on a real adventure since the first time I played it as a kid almost 8 years ago now, the immersion of being set free in a what seemed like never ending world seeing all these charming characters, head scratching dungeons and fun ass items that were just plain fun to mess around with was something I really never experienced before at the time, nostalgia is a powerful thing and I can definitley see that my opinion on this game is heavily based upon it. But even replaying it, it's still that expansive, neverending masterpiece I saw it as all those years ago.

The Quintessential 90's classic, I can't even begin to talk about the impact this single game had on my life I wouldn't have discovered my love for video games, I Wouldn't have met most of my current friends, I wouldn't have known about Nintendo and I can go on and on. If i had a kid this is the first game I would make them play, It's control is still buttery smooth over 20 years later the levels and their themes are more than fantasic and the music still houses some of the most iconic tracks in gaming. This may not be the best or my favourite Mario game, especially with the third floor, but God damn do I love Super Mario 64.