
Okay, after getting through Chapter 5 I can confirm: this game rocks. Yes it is not proper resident evil, yes the plot fucking sucks, yes their are plots that should not exist.

That being said, from a strictly gameplay perspective this has a great loop. If this wasn’t an RE title it would be a cult classic of the 360 era akin to something like Binary Domain. Gunplay feels great here, treasure system is fun (though I do miss the combinable/puzzle like treasures of 4), and the quick swap system for weapons really lets you lean into the combat. Biggest issues with this is are the bosses are all kind of boring and their are too many sections where you don’t do anything even though it is very much an action game.

Also, Wesker is so cool in this one. Just completely over the top master of camp.

Revisiting as part of the series revisit I’ve been doing. The map is a real theme park of the series.

NG+ and challenges nails the arcade-y feel. Maybe my favorite entry in the series?

This is insanely good. The parry mechanic is maybe one of the most satisfying gameplay mechanics I’ve come across.

Playing again after 4 remake and forgot how much this game just whips ass.

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They did it. They captured the magic.

Edit: not having some of the post game content is annoying.

Crazy how easily picross transitions to 3D. Great tutorial to get you to wrap your head around it.

This has everything I loved about Dread without the annoying EMMI segments.

I think this might be my favorite Metroid now.

Rushed through this in 2 days while I don’t have much to do besides needing something to occupy my thoughts. A great game. Maybe not as big a deal in a post Odyssey world, but the level design in this is great.

Great coop experience. Every room is super fair, no bizarre jumps in logic.

I love all the physic objects and how everything has a fun sound.

We need more platformers that really understand what makes exploration fun.

This game has some hooks. I’d like to see how it plays out in a few seasons, but as it stands a competitive card game that you can finish a round of in 5 minutes is great in my book.

I thought this was just going to be a well-tuned but typical rogue lite experience. I did not expect the sheer depth of unlockables to explore though. Their is a lot of meat on these bones.

More Nioh. Good stuff. Some of the additions like Yokai Shift kind of pushed me away when I first tried to play this on PS4. Coming back the second time around I don’t mind it as much now.


Fun puzzle solving mechanics, good music, and fun art direction.