Simply the best western RPG I ever played.
Exceptional in all aspect. In the industry there was a "before TW3" and an "after TW3", and there is a reason to it.

Absolute gem and anomaly in the gaming landscape.
If you love game and/or adventure you MUST play it, period.

I wish I could have recorded my face as a kid the first time I saw "Super Sonic" changing into a SSJ.
It would have become a famous meme.

Excellent story, characters and lore with impacfult choice.
Gameplay was good but not mature yet with a little pacing problem. And yet one of the best Western RPG ive played.

One of the most engaging and emotional narrative game I've played. I will remember it for a very long time.

Best "console FPS" ever with a single player story mode excellent for this genre. And legendary multiplayer that inspired so many other FPS.

One of the best J-RPG ive played in my childhood.
I pray for a remake one day and share the adventure with my kids !

A Game that changed the industry.

Hours of fun with my gang on this, tons of laugh and enjoyment. Friendly fire was really a plus as it made the game more difficult with me wrongly shooting my teamate when i was panicking lol

Played this game to the bone for several years with my team and friends. Also very special game for me as it is the first FPS I played competitively and made me move from gamepad to mouse !

Cool universe, character and excellenet gameplay.
Definitely a classic now, (if we dissociate it from OW2).

Excellent follow-up to Ocarina of Time and one of the best Zelda for sure.

It suffers just of the comparison with Ocarina of Time as it was build around the same gameplay, so back in the day it lacked the "wow feeling" and huge game changer features we got with its predecessor, even though its objectively a superior version of it.

RGG always has been for me about real time action / BTA type of gameplay.
This sudden change was not welcome to me, but I nevertheless give it a shot as I love the series.
Definitely a great entrie of the serie, but the gameplay is just not for me.

That being said, I am happy it brings lots of new fans!

Great single adventure game, especially for the fans of the IP.
Couldnt finished it back then due to lack of time, but not good enough for me to get back to it over other games I fancy.

One of the best BTA game, with a gameplay that inspired lots of its successors in the industry.

A great game with huge potential, and excellent dev team.
Unfortunately completely destroyed by incompetent and greedy management. Lets hope for a redemption arc with Microsoft ...