Love SMT
Love Touhou
Love this game
Simple as that

Now this is what I like to call pure ludo. It's just a good, fun game. Don't take it seriously, other than the gameplay. Game kicks your ass if you're not careful and that's a good thing.


This review contains spoilers

This game was honestly pretty good. I played 120 hours of it and that's pretty much my thoughts condensed. To go into more detail though, I liked the Kamoshida palace because of realism mixed with the Phantom Thieves concept, and I liked Maruki's palace because it felt like true Persona. This game's characters all become braindead after Makoto is introduced and even more so after Futaba's introduction because they're the two smart ones that have to carry everything. Ann's traits go a full 180, Morgana goes nuclear, Ryuji and Yusuke actually remain the same, Yusuke because he's the best character and Ryuji because he was already a dumbass, albeit a likeable one. The Yaldabaoth plotline was fucking stupid considering it's no longer the ending to the game.

As for the gameplay, I kind of liked it. Palaces were fun to get through and Kamoshida's palace was fairly tough. For the record, I played on Hard. It really wasn't hard, but I did cheese it, so take that with a grain of salt. I enjoyed the Baton Pass mechanic, Technicals are fun, and 1 More I also enjoyed. It's all pretty good, the problem is that the game isn't hard enough for any of these to be required with the exception of a singular boss (Okumura) who's a pain in the ass regardless.

Visuals are great. You might've heard about that one video that calls the game "Style Over Substance." It's wrong, but the idea of Persona 5 Royal having more style than substance might be right... if we're excluding story, which we shouldn't be doing. Really, I have no complaints with the visuals of the game other than how the Nintendo Switch is an underpowered piece of hardware.

Music is obviously good, but I prefer P3's soundtrack. I guess I prefer rap and weird shit over jazz. Price is the best song by the way.

I'm really glad that Persona 3 is getting a remake because I prefer its story over this game's, as well as its music, tone, characters, everything but the UI and to an extent the gameplay. The remake seems to have improved the UI and gameplay could maybe see some changes. If I wanted to play a video game though, I'd just play an SMT.


- Doesn't even use different Personas
- Arsene hardly does shit; is just a power-up gimmick like most of the DLC in this game
- Not even a Morgana move
- Only reps nusona because ATLUS forgot about 1 and 2
- No Jack Frost anywhere
- Not previously on Nintendo with one small exception
- Meanwhile SMT is mostly Nintendo
- SMT protag has unique skills to use
Should've been an SMT protag as much as I like Joker.

sakurai is a hack lol hackurai haha online sucks rofl lmaonade

Good game but Phazon Mines was shit and artifacts are lame.

a blight to the industry but i can at least wavedash

Once you know the shortcuts and can speed through the game it's quite fun, fuck the time travel gimmick. Game's just too cool for me not to love it.

If you gave this anything below 4 stars, you got filtered

Very good gameplay but holy shit the story and (most of) the characters SUCK. I actually prefer Disgaea 1 for some reason despite how archaic it is, easier to 100% and endearing characters I guess.

I like this game and all, but may I remind everyone that Nintendo uses Windows 98 for their servers

His canon last name was too long so I called him Gayman. Kazuya Gayman.