1 star for music, 1 star for the opening. Should have literally just been the opening.

This game is PS2 as hell. It's kind of bad but in an endearing way, and theres some meat to the combat if you dig into a bit. Music is 10/10.

This is definitely a best game of all time.

Nocturne sucks. So much of this game isn't good. The vibes are immaculate though. I love Nocturne.

Dude DJ Hero is so much fun, I hope they make another some day.


Was really shocked to come back to the classic Doom games in 2022. Doom is simply fantastic. Here's a bonus: it's really fun in VR as well, try it sometime!

This game sucks but it's kind of ok because it's within the framework of Doom. The levels really suck though.

Dude this game is so sick. My favorite old Doom game. Art is so good.

Thanks Mikami-sama, another smash hit!

Man this game is so fucking good. Soooooo fucking good man. It's nearly perfect. The vibes are immaculate. It's got a hard shell, but dig deep and you find a creamy gushy core that you won't want to stop gulping down on.

I played this game in 2017 and it changed my life. Simply perfection. I would let Shinji Mikami raise my children. He'd slowly refine them into perfection. Thanks Mr. Mikami!!!

This game is a really breezy, great time and I think it's pretty timeless honestly. Also its creator is a cool guy who has made splendid Game Maker tutorials. Play Gunpoint!

Imagine: a melee combat system that exceeds the complex perfection of Resident Evil 4's shooter combat. A stupidly splendid cast and story. Extremely low quality environmental art.

Imagine no further. Play God Hand.