I wish the chuds that really love this game lost their ability to speak so that I wouldn't be embarassed that I really love this game too

Get in the ball grandma, your ass is going to space.

I almost gave up after level 2 because Sam is frustratingly slow. I'm glad I didn't.

This game is some premium-garbage. Once you accept the games tendency to say "fuck you" as hilarious instead of annoying, it becomes a lot more fun.

I still do think Sam moves too slowly. The game speed should have probably been upped across the board.

The copy and paste arenas do start to get a little old, and the massive levels and such slow walking speed led to me never really secret-hunting. Most secrets are also just another "fuck you" anyway though.

The First Encounter was overall a great time and I look forward to possible refinements in the other games.

Imagine: a melee combat system that exceeds the complex perfection of Resident Evil 4's shooter combat. A stupidly splendid cast and story. Extremely low quality environmental art.

Imagine no further. Play God Hand.

In a lot of ways, Enter the Gungeon greatly expands and improves upon what can be found in Nuclear Throne, but, over time, I've learned to appreciate more stripped back roguelites.

This game is tightly designed and feels deliciously good to play.

I drunkenly played this game with a friend at 3am, and even then, it was completely irredeemable. Not fun to play, not fun to laugh at. Just bad. Don't waste your time.

This game sucks but it's kind of ok because it's within the framework of Doom. The levels really suck though.


Was really shocked to come back to the classic Doom games in 2022. Doom is simply fantastic. Here's a bonus: it's really fun in VR as well, try it sometime!

In theory, I like the idea of this game.

Like, it's sort of got some Crazy Taxi vibes? I love the art direction and environments. It's also pretty neat to see so many civilians swarming these areas on a PS2.

Unfortunately it's just not very fun to play. I ran through the 4 levels on the score attack mode, and they're just kinda frustrating. The "story mode" isn't really much more fun either.

I actually think there's a really neat idea for a game here, and I do actually think State of Emergency is worth checking out, but yeah not a great game.

Soma can equip the power of gun.

Wow! This game really IS that bad!

Lucia's side of the game is like 25% more fun than Dante's, so there's that I guess?

I dunno maybe there's a pretentious and cool reasons everyone loves Aria of Sorrow but Dawn of Sorrow takes the cake for me.

It feels so good to play. The souls are more fun than last time, areas are memorable, enemies are mostly fun. I actually even half-way gave a shit about the story this time around.

Dawn of Sorrow is a real stand out for me in terms of boss battles though. Each one looked sick and had a fun pattern to figure out. The final boss battle looks stunning but is not actually very fun or interesting to fight.

This is probably my favorite Castlevania game so far! I can't wait to check out the other DS entries.

VR Chat is a very... interesting experience. I think it's worth it for anyone with the gear to try it at least once. You might even strike up an interesting conversation or two. At the very least, it's deliciously fascinating to watch weirdos and socially inept people interact with each other.

Also, there is no circumstance in which a child should be allowed to participate in VR Chat.

It's more Crazy Taxi, which means it's more fun. I'm a huge fan of the jump mechanic, although I think the levels are just a teensy bit worse than the original game's. Definitely worth playing if you enjoy the original.

I played the (much better looking) DS version.

Chinatown Wars is a pleasant surprise. Lots of fun mission ideas, the world looks beautiful, and the game feels great. There's some iffy 2009 dialogue but otherwise has some funny moments. I really enjoyed Huang. The touchscreen gimmicks were also a joy to play with.

Makes me sad that modern mobile gaming is now so advanced that we'd never get a game like this these days. Chinatown Wars is itching for some kind of follow up (with twin stick or M+K controls, first and foremost)