Pokemon go for me, it got me walking a lil more but still lost interest a lot. Fun to have tho but pls fix your loading times

Neat mystery multiplayer game, makes you feel like you find clues legit and has an ok amount of replay but not really that deep gameplay wise

Very fun warioware game, made a mistake by playing some of it alone its quite fun to play w friends (like Gaby) Though the character select is kinda meh since some suck ass

This game had me enthralled when I first was playing it, world was cool gameplay was fun, I felt connected to it. But as I played more, the story dragged a little and I lost my groove to play. I wanna see the end of it but

Had such a nice time playing this game, love the warioware-like gameply and you really felt like you were a part of story and was such an amazing ‘show don’t tell’ with no dialog at all really. Great music, I really hope someday there will be another game like this

Wish I got to play more than first two hours, very fun gameplay but I have no desire to go back and play along like spelunky, cool game tho

Tricky to play w friends but a neat challenge and fun and explorative rouge-like really love how you have to learn the language of the game. Makes you feel smart and stupid

Blast of a game, love the ost. Gameplay is fun, I didn’t 100% but ill go back, it’s comfo. And bowsers fury is neat, makes me want more odyssey. Just a great time all around

Great Metroid game, quite linear and story heavy but man, I really liked it. Some of the best bosses, that were challenging but also diverse. So fun, it took a bit to finish but had a blast

I need to put more effort into playing this, the beginning is so slow but I can see the cool trials on the horizon, will finish

Ugh, I was interested but I do not find this game interesting or deep, I get why people like but it’s not for me

So fun, campy, warmfeelin, animal crossing vibes with adventure gameplay. Funny dialog and made me want to complete it, great to just run around too

The best multiplayer game, so fucking fun, the classes are killer and the different missions are so cool. Plus the best hub area in gaming, so fun the beers and side games. Never went more than a few weeks w out playing. very


Amazing, quiet little game, felt very peaceful and was very pretty looking, I love the color design. I kinda wish I did the side stuff but I didn’t have the drive once I saw all the side stuff