6767 Reviews liked by TayBeltane

First of all, I have to say how incredible this game is on Xbox Series X with Dobly Vision and Dobly Atmos. The cinematics are beautiful.

...But... It has some problems.

The story made me fell kind of lost. I only played Gears 4, so maybe that's the reason but what the hell is CGO? It's the same problem that I saw on Gears 4. Could you take a moment just to explain me this universe? I know there's a flashback right in the beginning but wasn't enough to make me understand everything that I needed.

The gameplay is really cool and I undestand why this franchise is so import for the game industry. It has one of the best cover systems that I ever see. It's really fun to move fast from a wall to another one.

By the way, Kate is so much better than JD. I really liked the fact we play with her in this one.

It's a really nice game but I had headackes sometines when I was playing with headphones. Pay attention if you usually have this problem!

You'll probaly have fun with Gears 5 if you like third person shooter games games but something is missing to make Gears 5 special and unforgettable.

I'm lawyer so I have to start this review saying that's not how a court works and you'll never see a lawyer on the field looking for clues.

I know the game doesn't try to be realistc but I think they lost a really good chance to be more real. I'm not a huge fan of paranormal part on the plot. They should have focus on a lawyer trying to start his carrear in a very import trial.

The game is also to long and we lost a lot of time on the field looking for clues. The fun part is the trial and we have to wait a lot to get to this point.

The trial is very fun but you save the game often, unless you don't see a problem to play again 30 minutes of something that you already did.

I was expecting to really see consequences if I fail. My client should go to the jail if I wasn't good enough. They lost a good chance to do that.

The good parts are amazing but there are something that made me fell bored on the gameplay.

Undertale has something that a lot of publishers lost over the years: HEART. I started this review not trying to make a joke with the heart mechanic on battles but now I have to start with it. =)

The battles are unique. It's not a classic RPG but the game has some elements of it... It's really hard to describe how the battles work but I can garantiee that's different and really fun. You have your regular attacks, items or you can talk with the enemy on your turns. On enemies' turn, you can dodge their attacks controlling a small heart in a box. It doesn't sound fun but it really is. Every battle is different and you have a lot of options to end it.

The story is simple but AMAZING and UNFORGETTABLE. It's incredible how a small developer could add alternative endings. Every battle will be important to your end. I can't say much to avoid spoilers but you are a kid that fell on a underground world full of monsters and trying to escape.

One thing that I have to say it's that you can see how much this project was important to its developer. I was playing Gears 5 at the same time I was playing Undertale and I could see the difference between something made only to make money and a game that tried to give a journey.

Please, give Undertale a chance. I hope that this review makes you full of DETERMINATION!

As a Brazilian, I’m really prood of Humble Ganes did on Dodgeball Academia.

Dodgeball Academia looks great. The characters and everything are really beautiful. They did a great job choosing what kind of art they would use.

The gameplay is really fun but you’ll get tired until the end of the game. They add some features during the game but nothing to make you fell you’re playing something different.

The plot is really good and the background is really interesting. I would love to see a cartoon about it. The problem is how they separated the story on chapters with “problem of the day”, just kind of the old series from 2000 with “the monster of the week”

You’ll probably like Dodgeball Academia and if you have an opportunity to buy on sale or play on a service, you should give it a chance.

I’m in love with As Dusk Falls. I know it’s a not a game for everybody but it’s perfect on what it try to be.

There’s no mystery here. As Dusk Falls is the same kind of game as Heavy Rain, Walking Dead, Detroit and Life is Strange. They will tell you a story and you have to decide what to say or how to react. Every choice you make will change the following events.

There’s not a complex gameplay. It’s like watching a movie and decide how to react from the characters perspective. The only thing that I expect from a game like this is how your choices could change the story and what happens.

For me, the only bad thing is that you don't have time limit for your decisions. For exemple, if you see someone trying to attack another caracther you have all the time in the world to decide if you let it happen. In other games, you have a time limit and it brings what you really want to do without think about the consequences, just like in the real world.

There are quick time events and they can change your future... but man, they are so easy. They also could make it a little harder but it's not a problem in the end.

The game is divided in two parts called “books”. Each book has three episodes that takes 1 hour to finish each.

Each book is dedicated to one character. The first one is my favorite and the game could end in that part.

All the caracthers are instersting and you care about their future.

I know that a lot of people don't like this kind of game but it's one of my favorite genre. I hope to see more games like this from this studio.

Give it a chance if you have Xbox Game Pass.

After a great experience playing Yakuza: Like a Dragon, I gave a chance to Yakuza 0.

The game is divided in two parts, which one is dedicated to one carachter. Each "part" has your own map and both of them are incredible.

The battle system is fun but really easy. I bought a lot of medice and I never got close to die in the game. It was a walk in the park.

The story is AMAZING! One of the best ever told in the video game history.

It's really good to see that everyone can play this game now. It doesn't matter if you have Xbox Game Pass or Playstation Plus, you'll find all Yakuza games on your library.

Please, do yourself a favor and play Yakuza!

I always heard people talking about Inside and wanted to live this experience. Now that I played I understand why people love it.

The game don't tell you the story and left to you try to understand what's happening. Everything on the background is intersting and let you think what's going on.

The characters moviments are incredible for a indie game from 2016. The puzzles are also enjoyable.

Inside is a short game that every gamer has to play.

If you see Inside on sale or if you have Xbox Game Pass, play it.

Coffee Talk is a game that could not be a game. The story and characters are really good but the gameplay is poor.

You are a maneger of a coffee shop and you have to attend the clients and do their coffee. The problem is there's not a chalenge here and it's pretty easy to do do what they ask. You will only face some chalenge when the game don't tell how to do a type of coffee and you really have to guess what ingredients are the correct without a clue.

The game is divided in "days" and each one takes 20 minutes to finish. I can say that you just play 1 minute of these 20 minutes. The rest of the time you'll be reading the clients dialogs and know their life.

You almost cannot intervene in the story. There are just a few decisions to make.

Coffee Talk is really what the title says. It's a "game" that you'll hear conversations in a coffee shop. That's all!

I always heard that Pokemon Sun/Moon is the worst generation of Pokemon. Because of that, this game was in my backloog for almost 6 years. One day I decided to play with my Nintendo 3DS again and started with Pokemon Moon. After that, I learned that I don't always have to believe in other people reviews without give a proper chance to the game.

Pokemon Moon is a classic Pokemon game. Those games are almost the same game since Pokemon Fire/Red, and Pokemon Moon has the same feeling with a better look. I played Pokemon Sword before my adventure in Alola and I can say that I didn't miss anything from the new generation.

To be honest, the Pokemon from this generation are forgettable. Only old Pokemon were in my team 'cause no one caught my attetion.

The changes in Pokemon Moon are Z moves and the island chalenge insted of gym battles. The Z moves are nothing different than a 5th move that you only can use once for battle. The island chalenges are puzzles and battles that you have to do to face the Elite Four, but to be honest they are more complicated to understand.

Pokemon Moon is really really easy. I never lost a single battle in all game and it never was close to it. I just played the necessary battles and avoid to face wild Pokemon and even doind those things, my Pokemon were always with a higher level than my rivals.

The story is ok.

After all that, you are probably thinking why I said that after Pokemon Moon I won't believe in reviews without give a proper chance to the game. The answer is simple: Pokemon is always fun and that's why the Game Freak and The Pokemon Company don't want to make anything new with this franchise.

The Gunk is a short game that I probably would never play without Xbox Game Pass. After my experience, I can say that a service is perfect for this kind of game: fun but forgettable.

Something is missing on this game. The gameplay is ok and there are some mechanics from Luigi’s Mansion and Super Mario Sunshine. It had everything to be really special but it isn't.

During the gameplay, You basically have to clean the map while you try to understand why that gunk is trying to dominate that wild planet. That's all.

About the battles, there are nothing special about them and they use the same mechanics used to clean the gunk.

The story is ok. There are two characters and I didn’t care about them.

The Gunk is a game that I only recommend if you want a short game to finish. You’ll probably forget your experience in some days after you finish.

Super Mario 3D Land is the best Super Mario game that Nintendo could made for the Nintendo 3DS. The game is perfect in what they wanted to do.

It's a super classic 3D Super Mario game. It's really fun to control Mario on those stages. I also have to say this: SUper Mario 3D Land is even better than the sequel Super Mario 3D World for the Nintendo Wii U.

Super Mario 3D Land also has the best 3D effect of the Nintendo 3DS. It's incredible how they made the game thinking the best way to use it.

If you have good memories with Mario franchise, I can say Super Mario 3D Land is a must have for you. I know it's really hard to find 3DS games because Nintendo shuted down the digital store, but if you have the game you have to play it.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is probably the best 2D Zelda game ever made, even better than remake of Link's Awakening from the Nintendo Switch.

The combat here is near perfect. The boss battles are incredible.

I always felt kind of lost in all 2D Zelda and I didn't know where to go. In A Link Between Worlds, I always knew what to do. That's incredible because you have two worlds to visit and you always have to change from one to other to get to some places.

The story is problably the best of the franchise. You don't give much for it until the last cutscene.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is the best Nintendo 3DS game that I ever played. If you have the chance, play it.

New Pokemon Snap was probably one of the most wanted sequels by the Nintendo fans and I was one of them. I played Pokemon Snap on my Nintendo 64 when I was A child and always wanted to live that experience again.

After saying that, I have to say it was good to live the experience of New Pokemon Snap but it wasn't I expected for almost all my life.

There's nothing bad with New Pokemon Snap to be honest but I think this gameplay is not so fun as it was in the past. It's a simple game that you have to take photos of Pokemon in different stages and trying to interect with them.

I always thought they lost a great oportunity to do a sequel on Wii U with the motion control of the gamepad. That could make this game a lot of fun and bring some new mechanics of gameplay for the franchise.

One thing that I have to say: New Pokemon Snap is the most beautiful Pokemon ever made.

To finish my review I can say that it's a good game to revive a moment of your life if you played the original game when you was I child. I don't know if you'll like it if you never played the one realesed the one on the Nintendo 64.

After saying all that I have to say: Nintendo shouldn't ask U$ 60 for this game.

don't play this game it ruined my life

This is a pretty decent visual novel with some fairly mid gameplay intertwined. There are some neat animations in the gameplay with final strikes and co-op attacks. I found most of the characters likable, if not a little lacking in depth. The game drags in the middle but I think it ends really strong. If you like VNs and want to play this series I would recommend this since it sets up the sequels which are really good, but if you don't already like the genre or just want to play a standalone game I don't think this is for you. On its own it's a fine experience but if the other games didn't exist I don't think I would recommend this to anyone when so many other amazing VNs exist.

If you wanted to be mean you could call it a poor man's Fire Emblem, but aside from the fact that it's a tactical RPG I don't think it's very similar. This game is a lot more focused on the story and FE is generally more focused on the combat. The combat is honestly not great and the maps are really quite boring and samey. One or two of the maps are just like fuck you move your 10 units 40 tiles away with no real challenge in between you and your goal. Just an exercise in tedium!

There are some absolute nuclear bombs of cringe here and I don't consider myself someone who is usually sensitive to that kind of stuff. Like I've played many VNs before and have never really felt that way. Thankfully the ones that really got me were limited to the first 25% of the game or so. I would really prefer if Aruru's VA would refrain from like putting the mic in her mouth on some lines. Lord forgive me idk if the Uta community really likes her or not, but Aruru in general I didn't like.