Still the best one. LM3 is close though.

Pretty great. I don’t think I enjoyed it as much as I did the Crash trilogy but it’s got plenty of its own charm that I enjoyed the whole way through.

Reminded me now passionately I desire Portal 3.

Very fun. As someone who grew up playing The Wrath of Cortex and Twinsanity, I can now 100% see why this original trilogy is such a big deal. Absolutely love it.

It’s fun, great music especially and I love how the rhythm of the songs ties into gameplay, never seen that before this game. Not a very long game but there are so many scenarios that are possible due to it being a roguelike I can imagine some people putting a lot of hours into this.

Not as good as the first one. It’s absurdly derivative and even half the bosses are just reused from the first game, some whole levels too. Not really a fan. Gameplay wise though it feels great, pretty much a more refined version of the first game as you would expect. Awesome soundtrack too.

It’s fine. Love the music, world, and of course Jack Black. It’s fun for a while but it slowly turns more and more into an RTS which I was not expecting and am really not a fan of. I do eventually want to finish it if only to see the story through to the end, but I have no idea when that will be.

I played bits of the original Dead Space but never saw it through to the end. This remake released and I thought, hey, why not give it another go, and I'm so very glad I did. It's so unique in its gameplay style and presentation even all these years later. It's very fun and genuinely terrifying.

It took another 10 years, but this is probably the best Pikmin game that exists. There are definitely some things that I do not like such as the auto lock-on system and the game generally being pretty easy (save for Dandori battles/challenges) but those complaints are so minor they are barely worth even mentioning.

Started the game when it released, got busy for a while with other stuff, and revisited it a few months later. It is 100% exactly as buggy as it was on day one. Most of the planets work reasonably fine but I cannot visit Jedha without the game crashing every two minutes, which is a problem since it is required to advance the story. I toughed it out to get past it the first time but the second time I had to visit the planet was the point where it became unplayable. This is not a review of the game so much as it is a grievance of EA's practices. I am so glad I used EA Play rather than coughing up $70 for this joke of a release.

The only battle royale game that is actually fun.