Genuinely amazing title and a perfect entry point into the series. Highly repayable and customizable. Three full routes with completely different ends and usable characters. A bit weak in the overall map design for combat with no major standouts and some routes feel a bit rushed, but overall quality and quantity are for the most part well balanced. The main base where you will spend most of your time is a bit too big at times and can be tedious on repeat playthroughs to go through.

A very middling game. Amazing gameplay, decent characters, and an improved on main base from Three Houses by simplifying and shrinking. The story starts weak with a decent middle but overall lacking end. Another good entry point into the series when it comes to gameplay but expect a below average story and little to no replay value as this is a single route game.

Very weak main story with only 1-2 memorable moments and lacks any real fun in terms of challenge or experimenting with different characters. Good for very casual players who just want a game to breeze through and relax, but the story isn’t very enjoyable or in depth.

A game so beloved that it saved the franchise internationally. The sheer number of characters with different visuals and personalities despite being on the 3DS and the first of its series to do so is impressive. The story is above average with some good villains, character depth, and moments that other titles lack at times. Its only real flaws are a weak final villain and quite a few story choices that are asked but don’t truly matter except the final one.

Still the best map design in the series and great characters, although the main story lacks a solid villain. The gameplay is the perfect blend of challenge without being too frustrating for most of the maps. It pushes the player to try new characters and combos. The story here offers a more interesting take than Birthright, it’s sister game, but still falls apart in some areas, mainly towards the end.

Possibly the best story of modern FE alongside Three Houses. One of the most impressive 3DS titles visually and having every character conversation voiced was a first for the series and it adds even more emotion to the stories of characters. Unfortunately, the gameplay of later maps and some enemy units begin to suck the fun out of the game. Slow poisonous swamp levels and enemies that teleport to the player and one shot their units are not fun to fight and the start of the game is a bit slow before you get a full team. You do feel like you are truly building an army in this and it is very satisfying to show up to the final few levels with a massive amount of units you trained.

A sequel to one of the most recent generation defining games. It lacks a bit of the overwhelming force the original had when introducing the world since we already have seen it, but it improves vastly on the dungeons and bosses. The weapon merge system fixes the gigantic issue with BOTW1 and encourages player creativity, which is the game’s biggest strength. Story wise, it has more to it than BOTW1 but offers a bit of a disappointing end.

A remake of one of the best games on the GameCube and the many other consoles it was ported to. Its gameplay improves on many areas of the original such as better movement and less frustrating segments such as the Island. The story ranges from great to lacking. Ada, one of the original game’s best characters is ruined by a dull performance and overall lack of good appearances while Luis, a charming yet small character in the original, is expanded on greatly while keeping the charm of the character.

Having never fully beaten one, getting a chance to explore it again was one I could not say no to. The gameplay after over 20 years still holds, the maps, the soundtrack, the bosses, all have stood the test of time. It is easy to see why so many people hold it in such high regard. The story only matters as much as the player wants it to, with many optional scans that explain the lore of the planet, but they are not required to understand the general gist.

The main story mode is quite lacking and feels more like a tedious grind than anything interesting for the characters. It’s only positive is I can appreciate trying new things and it is despite being average, much better than previous games attempt at a story. The gameplay is solid and a vast improvement from other titles. It is a very good game for beginners to learn the series with easier control setups and mechanics that offer some learning curves but are easy to pick up. The roster is a bit lacking with only 1-2 villains and even then, nothing that matches previous baddies of the series. Newcomers are all around alright, some of the veterans coming back are not all treated equal, and some feel stuck, like Honda who really lacks any character or development over the years.

One of the most unique titles and series Nintendo has ever made. The gameplay is simple yet expands with each area you complete. You gain new types of pikmin and fight more challenging enemies. The issue lies with the AI not being perfected and having trouble following the player and the time limit being intimidating for kids. Not at all a bad game, but one I would recommend last of this series for a younger audience.

One of the most gorgeous games on switch. The gameplay has been improved massively from the gamecube titles. The bosses are big spectacle fights and a major highlight. The time limit is less overbearing compared to the original pikmin. The only issue I have with this game is that it is far too short. I was craving more after I beat the final boss because of the quality of each area and the fun I was having.

Simply an amazing title and the best Pikmin to introduce a younger audience to while also respecting veterans of the series. One of the best-looking switch games to date and full of levels to explore and treasures to be taken. Every new title in this series improves the gameplay and removes the tedious aspects and this title is no different. It trims the fat but keeps all the best features around. A bit weak in the boss fights compared to 2 and 3, but easily one of the best games of 2023. All around joy to play.

One of the most hyped games for a few years now. I went in with low expectations and even those were not met. An incredibly boring and generic main quest that’s essentially a fetch quest and with a cast that does not help the journey at all. Role playing at the start is great with traits and backgrounds but the longer you play, the less it seems to matter. A good role-playing game should let the player work with it while Starfield works actively against role play. Combat is a horrendous bore, somehow weaker than other games made over 5-10 years ago. New Game + was mentioned as being an incredible new experience, but if a player doesn’t even enjoy their first run, why bother?

The highest quality souls like ever. This game has amazing weapon variety, good enough story to carry interest throughout, and some solid bosses in the mix. The issues with it being that slower weapons do suffer through the early to mid-game and some boss fights feel very cheap and inconsistent. The arms and handles system really allow players to customize to their heart’s content. Want your big weapon to weigh less and swing faster? You can do it. Want more range on your sword? Entirely possible. The freedom the game gives you with its weaponry is amazing.