It is just bonkers, you kinda play an amalgation of memes

Highly recommend it for the experience

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Brilliant title. It oozes atmosphere, Horror and adventure.
Metroid Fusion uses its linear approach to full effect and creates a challenging and riveting experience that always stays true to Metroid. It is incredible fun and wonderous that they could create such an intense game for the Gameboy.
The story is the best in the series and SA-X besting you is just captivating. The level design and hunt for items is well-built like always, too.
I have but two little nitpicks: the gauntlet from Yakuza to Nettori is extremely limiting and If you have struggled before, you're gonna have a bad time. Furthermore it is not nice that you are not allowed to save after the boss fight against SA-X.

Definitely play this!

While Dark Souls refined Souls, it was actually Demon's Souls that created it - and what a start it is!

Gameplay: challenging and addictive
Themes: ominous yet brave
Lore: deep and thought-provoking
World Design: a masterclass in interconnectivity and atmosphere
My heart: stolen

This game is not only the best Zelda, it might be the best game of all time

I played it as a child, because I like South Park, but it is so rough.
Multiplayer is somewhat fun, but the horrendous balancing ruins it (Cow oneshot meta). The singleplayer is so forgettable, I have totally forgotten what it was even about!
Play the new ones.

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I have extremely conflicting feelings regarding this game. The surface sokoban gameplay is okay, nothing too great about it. But early on you realize there is much more. And it feels absolutely awesome finding the secrets, for example when I got the first time to crawlspace and found the wings, it was epic! However while I found the wings, I could not find the ability to talk to rocks and only found out later about it, when Adam Millard talked about it in one of his videos. It is easy to gloss over important items or clues and when it happens, it is brutal. Several hours of gameplay have to be redone, which sucks. This game wastes so much time and the conclusion is not enough for a casual fan. It is niche and for people who do not mind redoing 200+ rooms because they accidentally took the stairs for some nice new lore titbit, it is brillant. But the average fan will get burned out by the simplistic surface dungeon crawling

Is this game good?
It's a brillant fighting game!
Is it for me?
Unfortunately not...

Got softlocked just because I ventured freely when the game let me, so no good score

Monster Hunter was always great, but I think World absolutely nailed it

Obviously a pokémon clone, but damn it actually slaps. Probably the wake-up call Game Freak needed, because if they would have improved Pokémon over the years, this would not exist. The monsters are charming, some designs are too similiar though. The catching and building mechanics work surprisingly well and the gameplay loop is motivating. The world is livelier than everything Game Freak has shat out.


Unfortunately we saw not much of this extremely promising game, but what we got was absolutely hideous (in a good way) and eerie. Some puzzles were a little bit too unintuive though.

Thanks Konami!

It's fine, but you might only like it, if you enjoy rhythm and rogue games