Fun and interesting story with a neat twist everyone and their dog knows now. If you don't, play it. Otherwise, the gameplay might not be strong enough to recommend it.

love the sidequests in the Yakuza series. Story is neat, too.

I don't like Star Wars and think the universe is boring and stupid. This game was OK, though. Story and setting was still boring and stupid, but it played pretty nice. The map was absolute ass, though, almost stopped playing because of it.

First played it on 360 and got stuck at the Gargoyles. Shelved it for a couple of weeks, came back, beat them and then it clicked. Subsequently sunk hundreds of hours into it and it became my new favorite game ever, surpassing Starcraft and Baldur's Gate 2. Most rewarding gameplay ever.

Enjoyed it as a co-op romp, not so much in single player. Screw that witch and her scream!

Way better pacing than the 2nd one, incredible atmosphere and all. Looked very good for its time.

I don't care about Spiderman but the game was fun, without being great. Swinging around the city was neat.

Good game but some terrible levels (what is up with the Yoshi eating fruit mission and that boat shine?).

Terrific voice acting and the quests and storylines were very good. Never really got deep into the gameplay systems and played it on the easy setting. Liked it enough. DLCs were very good.

My favorite game as a 17 year old when it released. Perfected shooting gameplay.

Loved it back on 360 in 2011 or 2012. Music was terrific. Nowadays I see how shallow it really is in many places, but had fun when I played it anways

GTA games are not really my type, but I see the appeal. Very good voice acting and some fun ideas, but too huge of a game for me as it is too easy to get sidetracked.

great graphics, too realistic and slow gameplay. Story was decent but pacing was terrible. Quite the slog, would have liked it if I'd played it in my teens/early twens

Loved it. Slick graphics and framerate, rewarding gameplay.

Same as Doom (2016) for me, although it evolved in its gameplay. Just a fun romp, technically brilliant and it just works.