Best survival horror game since RE4 on Gamecube. Loved it back then and still holds up

Jack of all trade, master of none. Tries a bit too much and gets nothing really right, but I appreciate the effort and liked it enough.

The absolute opposite of repetitive and stale gameplay.

A game about as boring as it is beautiful. A pain to get through, which I only did because I had a lot of time back then.

Fun and interesting story with a neat twist everyone and their dog knows now. If you don't, play it. Otherwise, the gameplay might not be strong enough to recommend it.

Looks great, incredibly boring, though. Bland story and characters. Gameplay just so-so.

Nice story and especially characters. Gampleay gets repetitive.

Overrated. Looks beautiful but very same-y and got boring relatively quickly. Story was standard fare.

terrible gameplay, atrocious story and laughable characters. Shit

Decent. Interesting without being spectacular. You could see who the father is from a mile away, if you thought about it. A bit cliché.

Loved it when it came out, it made you feel like you alone thought of the specific way you assassinated your target or reached your goal. Great stuff

Found it very difficult (maybe I'm just shit at it) and often confusing where to go (maybe I'm just stupid). Dungeons mostly satisfying, but the last two can suck my dick

Overly long and drawn out game, story was entertaining enough, but pacing was definitely too slow. Very good graphics, gameplay was good. Technically very sound.

mildly entertaining point & click, very simple puzzles, a decent setting and an averagely interesting story make for quite the middling experience. Not bad, but not very good, either.

While shooting human enemies is great fun at first, the game has severe problems with confusing level design (very samey looking rooms, one after another) and pacing (who needs that stupid HQ).