a bit too easy to brute force solutions sometimes, but very saisfying and fun to solve the dioramas on your own. Not quite Obra Dinn levels of satisfaction and quite a bit different in how it works, actually, but a very good game, nonetheless.

puzzles were a bit too easy, atmosphere was nice.

decent, but the final part was more annoying than fun

fun, Portal-esque puzzler. Satisfying eureka moments for most puzzles. Decent fun and good, 10-12 hours length, depending on how quickly you grasp the concept.

Second half gets pretty choppy on Steam Deck, but overall a very good, modernized Half-Life experience. Xen was interesting, at last!

neat idea, nicely short, but missing anything that makes it memorable.

Controls like ass, but unbelievable that they could implement the whole game plus Brood War and even included split screen. As long as you don't need to micromanage much, it is certainly playable.

Decent. Interesting without being spectacular. You could see who the father is from a mile away, if you thought about it. A bit cliché.

What remains of Edith Finch's ugly, boring step-uncle. Bland presentation lets a relatively interesting story down.

Finnicky interactions, some puzzles made a lot harder because I didn't face an object the exact right way which made it appear like it wasn't for use in this particular puzzle. Hilarious voice acting, laughed a lot because of Alfred. Classic RE.


Shooting is great fun, but the dearth of checkpoints and bullet spongy enemies make this a bit of a frustrating experience.

Underrated soulslike which tried something new (and succeeded, in my opinion). Not all great, but combat was innovative.

had some pretty neat ideas, but clunky combat holds it back for me. Some of the puzzles were so obtuse I had to refer to a guide every now and then. Decent overall

Best RTS of all time, especially in combination with its add-on, Brood War. Perfectly balanced, though the races play so different

nice concept but not very well executed. Rather bland gameplay, held together by the memory remix scenes.