Loved it. Slick graphics and framerate, rewarding gameplay.

Didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped, as I usually love Remedy's stuff. Technically marvellous. Gameplay a bit repetitive.

Fun but got repetitive. Not a fan of superhero stuff but liked this one.

The gameplay loop was pretty neat, the story near unintelligible and graphics looked pretty nice. Had fun.

Thinks it is very clever, but it is just a trainwreck of a story that doesn't make any sense. The fourth wall breaking is irritating and not clever at all, characters are cartoony and the gameplay is pretty average.

Brilliant music and nonstop gameplay. Very rewarding and fun game with a weird story.

Played it back in 1998 and loved it, although I remember never getting to Xen. Played and completed it on Dreamcast years later.

Was fun the first two hours, then got a bit stale.

Nice story and especially characters. Gampleay gets repetitive.

Absolutely the most terrifying experience I've ever had was playing this game on PSVR, which I did for 90 percent of it. Looked great, played good. Got a bit too weird by the end.

Enjoyed it while playing but never was as engrossed as with the first Bioshock

As any Yakuza game, great story, cutscenes and sidequests. Gameplay better and less repetitive than the "regular" Yakuza titles.

Played it on OG Xbox first and loved it, my PC was too crappy back then. Played it decades later on Steam Deck and still loved it. Breakthrough game for video game physics.

The absolute opposite of repetitive and stale gameplay.

A game about as boring as it is beautiful. A pain to get through, which I only did because I had a lot of time back then.