It is an idea that is very fun on paper but as a game, it doesn't do anything too interesting with its concept. Eventually, all of the initial fun wore off and then you crash, and then you are like "Man I probably won't ever touch this again unless I want that bland comfort"

The game isn't anything special, but if you are a Transformers fan, the raw visceral experience of command grabbing Motormaster into an infinite is something worth experiencing at least once


The game plays really well and finally exposes Sora's personal arc and struggles to the surface. Here I feel like you gain the strongest understanding of his character. He finally feels like he stands alongside the other fleshed out protags. The gameplay is pretty nice too, I love flowmotion. The big hold up for me in regards to this game is how barren it feels, I get it because of the console it was originally released on, but when you play the version in collections, it really stands out.

I enjoy how ambitious the idea and story of the game is. However, because of this ambition, the focus on the cast can be really scattered and they don't feel as fleshed out as they could. The end game is great and so powerful, but it doesn't carry the game as a whole. The fact that the gameplay could've benefited from a longer dev cycle also doesn't help it.

The story is very good and sticks with you... but the game really isn't too fun to play. It needs an update really bad. Heads up don't play this as an eight-year-old with no knowledge of the series like I did, wild times

THIS GAME HAS TRONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! TRONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! TRONNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! The rest of the stuff is really fun too! A great game that does feel really fulfilling despite being a stepping stone in the larger story

The game really shows its age and I don't think a lot of players might be willing to adapt to that. I personally recommend looking for a let's play to watch as you go along it. It can make the experience easier to get through

I feel about this game how I feel about KoF 2000 in that this was just pure perfection and I wish I lived in the timeline where we continued in this direction for the series. Stan Remy

The stepping stone of the stylistic and technological revolution of that was the 3 series.

The beginning of a stylistic and technical revolution of the SF series. This game will charm you and make you want to explore all of the 3 series.

The gameplay is in desperate need of balancing, the gameplay systems are needlessly complex, and the cast is so expansive you can become lost in it and not be sure who to latch onto. However, it is just too intensely fun to dislike. Most of the time you won't be understanding half of what you do, but it never detracts from the experience. Plus the story and how it utilizes the cast is glorious. A must play if you are attached to the world and characters of SF.

It has been a really long time since I played this game. I don't remember it too well. I remember it being really smooth to play. I prefer the roster and story of Alpha 3, but the gameplay here is really tight from what I recall.

This is really fun! It just needs some fine-tuning to be fully fleshed out. It is nice how this fleshes out Ryu too! Here is when I really fell in love with him and his character. I am glad how this became the established tone of the Alpha series.

Yup, it sure is classic. I have nothing really to say besides that. Maining E. Honda is fun!