The nicest way I can put it is that this game is not for me. This game overall feels unfinished and clunky, even when it comes to the weapons. For example, Top Man's weapon is not only terribly designed, but it also doesn't even function properly half the time, sucking up half of your weapon energy randomly in one hit. The extra levels before the wily stages are obvious padding with terrible recreations of the bosses from mm2. Also, this game can softlock you at the beginning of one of the levels, so I hope you are okay with doing all of the wily stages over again, assuming you remember your most recent password.
2 Trons

Yet another game I grew up with, and fortunately for me it was this and not any other X game. Easily the best of the bunch and always astonishes me how Capcom got it so right the first time, but then all wrong nearly every subsequent time.
5 Trons

Some days I dislike this game, other days I enjoy it. Recently, I've enjoyed this game for what it is and what it accomplished on such early hardware.
4 Trons

Octopath Traveler is a beautiful, SNES-inspired RPG that excels in everything except story. Combat, visuals, music (damn that music), everything is incredible except story. I admire the unique take on story structure, but it ultimately results in half-baked stereotypical stories that rarely manage to exceed expectations. Ultimately, a great tech demo for what could've been an even greater game.
4 Trons

Although great for the time, it is now a game you should only ever finish if you wish to experience what it would have been like to play this game in the 80s. Approaching it with a modern mindset will only lead to frustration.
4 Trons

I heard this was one of the hardest games of all time. I played it for the first time and got to the final boss within only a couple hours of playing. Game overed on the boss, was sent to the very beginning of the last level, then proceeded to shut off the game. Not even Castlevania pulled that kind of thing, at least they recognized when enough was enough.
3 Trons

I gave this game a fair shot and logged nearly 50 hours into it. However, the more I played the more I realized that I genuinely did not like the game. The story is alright, sure, but story is not the deciding factor on whether or not I enjoy a game. Sure, it's nice, but first and foremost I desire gameplay. This game has terrible gameplay. Combat is so needlessly complicated yet so monotonous at the same time. Voice acting was always stale unless it was a super cinematic cutscene and animation outside of combat and super cinematic cutscenes was laughable. Also, the fanservice is a little over the top. I wish I could have liked this game.
2 Trons

Made me fall in love with Metroid and metroidvanias as a genre. The game that all similar ones try to recapture, and for good reason.
6 Trons

This game amazed me with its terribleness. Secrets that are hidden in manners you would find more fitting for Metroidvanias, one of the weakest weapon sets in the series, and severely lacking in the music department.
2 Trons

An excellent game matched with an excellent coalescence of zaniness and heart. A game everyone should experience at least once.
6 Trons

This game has really good combat. So good that they basically copied it exactly for Spider-Man PS4. Everything about this game is really good except for the story. It is kind of all over the place because they just wanted to shove as many Spider-Man villains into this game as possible. This leaves the ending to be kind of wonky as it wasn't really built up to. Still decent. 4 Trons

I was looking forward to this game, as I was yearning a new 2D Zelda for a while, but I wasn't expecting it to surprise me. That is, until I 100 percent the game in two days with 30 hours of play time. I fell in love, but I couldn't help to acknowledge the faults of this game. The frame rate issues have no excuse to exist as many other games that are much more technically demanding don't dip as often. Movement being locked in eight directions is fine, but not allowing use of the D-pad to move is astonishing. If you are going to force me to use the control stick, then at least provide more than eight directions. In the end however, I still enjoy this game, even after subsequent playthroughs.
5 Trons

I don't know why, but this game hooked me from the start and quickly became one of my favorite games ever. The idea of chess-like strategy incorporated into a dog fight oriented shooter is so out there and crazy it is amazing this game was intended for the SNES and not the Gamecube. Easily the best way to play this game is on expert as it feels the most dire considering it is only you against this entire army. I pray for a remake of this game one day, it is entirely deserving.
6 Trons