This could have been the greatest Mario game of all time, and maybe it actually is, but there are a few big issues that keep it from being a flawless masterpiece. As I am a pretty experienced Mario player (having 100%ed every 3D game with the exception of 64 and Sunshine), allow me to sum them up.

1) Controls
The core controls are wonderful. They are on par with - if not better than- the magical controls of the Galaxy games. But the forced and awkward motion controls are a huge missed opportunity. They work fine enough and you can comfortably get through the game while ignoring them, but you'll miss out on a few useful cappy moves that keep things moving even more fluently. Having the option to customise the button mapping would have solved this issue.

2) Length
You can beat the base game pretty quickly; in my case over the course of a weekend. There's still a lot to do in post game, but it's balanced pretty poorly. I would have preferred a main game that was say 5-10 hours longer, with a shorter and less tedious post game. You could make the argument that this makes secondary playthroughs and speedruns more interesting, but even for those the game is too short for my liking.

3) Difficulty
This is the game's biggest problem. If you thought Galaxy 1's main game was easy, this is something else entirely. Even the dedicated platforming challenges can get pretty boring because of the lack of tough segments. There certainly are a few collectibles that require some skill to get, but the overall challenge for me (so far at least) has never really gone beyond "tricky". Even so, the game has a "super handholding mode" you can activate at any time for newcomers to video games. So if you're looking for a hard 3D platformer, well... Maybe give Crash Bandicoot a go.

Okay so now that's over with let's talk a bit about the fun stuff.

1) Presentation
This game is gorgeous. The graphics and art style work together very well to deliver a sight to behold that only gets prettier the further you get in the game. Important to note is that the framerate tends to take a bit of a dive sometimes in New Donk City, but overall it stays at a fairly steady 60 fps.

2) Level design
Apart from the relative lack of challenge, I love the level design. There are tons of collectibles everywhere, with a lot of them being hid away very cleverly. Exploring the beautiful worlds is a ton of fun, and even after finding big important items the level doesn't end, so you just keep going for as long as you want. That way the pacing keeps up the entire way through and you're always busy with something.

Okay, to prevent myself from rambling too much let me try and wrap this up.
Despite its problems, this is a fun game. You may not find a challenge here, but what you will find is a huge smile on your face from beginning to end. It oozes with the timeless Mario charm, callbacks to his entire career, adorable characters and so much more.

It's probably the best stealth game of all time.

Would be 10 if not for the inverted castle being too easy and tedious.

I tried to get into the series and i stopped halfway, its just boring.

This game was one of the most creative and beautifully designed games I have ever played with an amazing story that is cleverly written and paced perfectly.

One of the greatest games ever made, one of the most replayable games.

Intense game with sublime combat and great level design.

Story - The story of Yakuza 0 starts off pretty engaging but falls apart in the latter half as luck and cheap plot twists resolve the main conflicts and the game drags itself along to a forced out ending. the story gives you some gripping intense cutscenes but is mostly and constantly flips back to the static text boxes with little grunts from the characters as you read their lines. For the most part, the characters are pretty likable and entertaining

Gameplay- Flashy to begin with but gets pretty dull near the end with very little enemy variety to spice the game up. The leveling system is this jumbled mess and tasks to acquire more skills are painfully boring and long. The game also tends to be way too easy even on higher difficulties with the only section particularly difficult being the final chapter due to an unfair amount of hard to dodge gun enemies.

Substories - Substories are built on charming ideas but are dragged out into this boring husk with very little gameplay to save them.

Minigames - Minigames are pretty underdeveloped side things but they are more there to be gimmicks and give a few giggles.

It's not bad, but its actually a shallow game at its core.

The only positive thing about it is that it looks good.
Everything else is horrible.

It's well written but the i found the main plot to be irrelevant due to how underwhelming its later half was. You spend the game just reading, it would've been nice if they added some interaction or investigation to do outside of dialogue.
It's not that deep or complex either, but if you are a teenager who wants to feel smart then consider putting this as one of your favorites, lol.


It's decent but overhyped a lot. Biomes are more of the same and the rougelike elements are shallow.

Ethan is an awful character and the game is full of scripted encounters. Its a one and done, opposite of what Resident Evil games are supposed to be.

Extremely overrated, clunky gameplay, same mission structure and boring story about a gang that exist in late 1800 but behaves like a bunch of twitter users from 2015