It's THE competitive Fps. There is just something about CS:GO that makes you always come back. From the Classic Setting of CounterTerrorists VS Terrorists to all the weapons and knowledge you have to gather to remember recoil patterns, to live the thinking process to always say the right thing, and go in the right direction. It just makes this piece a very logical game which is just a feast for our brains all around the world. 5/5

Pretty good. The setting of the game is Blazing with style which united with The glorious cast of characters, storyline, and a completely revamped gameplay mechanics, with fun minigames, makes this game into quite a great experience. 5/5

The style of the game alone makes the game interesting to play, and the main part- Parkour is greatly paced and the animations here are visually stunning. 4,5/5

The game is quite incredible, but to fully appreciate it you really gotta get into the "Big Boss chief of an entire army on a gigantic base over the water who goes on crazy ass missions" mood of it. That which the game can sometimes put you out because of overly repetitive sidequests (which of course you do by choice). 4,5/5

I literally don't give a shit about The Singleplayer part of the game, some might enjoy it like nothing else, Obviously, since it's GTA FIVE. For me though, what I most love is the moments I could spend with my friends online on this piece. Those were some of the most fun moments of my life. 4,5/5

Pretty good game. Probably the most casual gaming experience you could ever get. 3,5/5

5/5 No words, the game speaks for itself.

Greatest Modern Military Game on Market to this day, and that is pretty much all I have to say. 5/5


Great for its time. Pretty much started a revolution for game remakes. For me most of the praise comes to the Music Producer of the game Mick Gordon. 2,5/5

So simple yet so revolutionary in the gaming pop culture. The art direction combined with the pixel graphic and a grim story they your heart by storm and live you a changed man who loves elegant suits. 5/5

It's jojo, but it was already there. It's reallt just an update to a game which whole existance was about being a JoJo game and so it was. Well, at least now it is playable on any device we want to play it on. 4,5/5

Played once on phone at my friend's party. One of my friends was an impostor and stole my phone to vote for someone else and won. Never got to play it again. 4,5/5

It's alright, and honestly if your interested in creating cities your gonna play it anyway sooo: 4/5