This remaster was nothing but the old rough game made pretty. The controls in this game were abysmal but the combat was pretty smooth.
I remember playing this on release in 2012 but 10 years later I didn't have the same excitement nor was it enjoyable.
Worth playing back in the day not so much now with all the advancements games have made since then.

Short, not interesting, worse than the prequel.
Waste of 24GB of space and 6 hours of my time

Then ending left me very frustrated.
All that determination from Ellie just to not finish the job.
It also was very drawn out and some of the missions took way too long with little to no action. Seemed like some of the parts of the chapters were not needed.
It was okay to finally finish both parts of the game but I wasn't blown away.

This game was absolutely amazing.
The level design, the enemies, the weapons, and the mechanics were immaculate in my opinion.
The game rewarded those with patience as well as punished those who over extend.
I think the 1.2 patch was not needed as people just needed to stop crying and get good.
I finished my first playthrough in 31 hours and 45 minutes with 182 deaths. Best run in a souls like I have ever done.
I will 100% be doing more playthroughs to 100% this game.

Hands down my LEAST favorite game in the series. Felt like the story was drug on for longer than it needed after GoW4.
It did look good, can't knock it for that, but the story had me snoozing and skipping cutscenes to end my boredom.
1 through 3 were the best and I feel like they could've ended there and that 4 and 5 should've been stand alone under different names and I will die on that hill.

My least favorite out of the 3 Dead Space games.
This one was lacking that survival horror feel.
It was more aggravating than enjoyable.
In place is tense moments, the game just throws a lot of enemies at you in the tightest of places so you get swarmed.
Even with my plasma cutter upgraded to full damage it still too an unnecessary amount of shots to bring a basic enemy down.
Also the RPG element for the weapons was awful.
Not happy with this one.
I’ll stick to 1, 2, and the remake.

HLTB said this main story is supposed to take 10ish hours to complete. I beat the main story in under 6. Really short title but it was a fun game. Game on steam kept crashing which was very frustrating but another one off the backlog.
Probably won’t revisit the originals but will go back to the remasters.
Not blown away so no need to dive deep.


This wasn’t as grueling as Jak 2 was but it still have me getting frustrated with clunky controls.
All in all a really nice ending to the trilogy where we finally learn who Jak is.
To be honest, probably never gonna play these ever again.

Played this through emulation on the steam deck. What the fuck was this game. I remember playing the demo that came out of a magazine but never got to play the full game.
Interesting to say the least.
God awful controls

This was a rough game to play. Combat was wonky, movement was not smooth, the camera played a major disadvantage in most cases.
The overall story was okay, really brought the Raziel story to an end.
I think this one can stay in the vault never to be touched again.

Pretty much more of the same from TY 2, just wayyyyyyy shorter. It was okay

Growing up as a young gamer, survival horror was a genre of games I was interested in playing. Fast forward to 2021, I had seen trailers and reviews and thought that it looked pretty cool but never purchased for fear of not liking it and being pissed I spent money on it. A really good friend of mine gifted me a copy for my birthday and the rest is history. I played this entire game on stream within 2 streams about 8 hours each. I absolutely loved it. Loved it so much that I bought RE7 to travel back and play its story which I also greatly enjoyed. The atmosphere the environment gave off, the mechanics, and the overall story just had me from the "start game" screen.
This opened my eyes to survival horror and been hooked ever since. If you look at my current backlog you will see the other RE games that I just can't wait to dive into.

I played this AFTER Village and I was not disappointed.
Majority of this review will be covered in RE Villages review since it'll explain more as I played Village first.

Not gonna get too winded on this review and most of it was said in the Shadow of Mordor review as not much changed between the two except new abilities and better/refined graphics.
Another favorite I repurchased on Steam to play through fresh

You ever walk by the game case at Walmart and see games that look cool but are unsure about buying them? That was this game for me. I was living in Alaska at the time and new games weren't always stocked on a regular basis. I was looking for new games since I had just purchased a used Xbox One. Saw the game and thought "Well I love LoTR I should enjoy this" and enjoy this I did. It was one of those games I couldn't put down. I would sometimes ignore the story just to hunt down orcs. When I heard they were making a sequel I immediately preordered a digital copy.
The mechanics were fun, the nemesis system was great, and the overall look and feel was everything I expected and more!