It was whatever. Pretty bland first person shooter

Let’s start with basics
Graphics: 10/10
Story: 8/10 (only because I didn’t skip cutscenes yet still confused as fuck)
Mechanics:7/10 (encountered a few visual glitches and wonky controls)
The story towards the end really drew me in and I’m glad to say I finally played this game all the way through, played on release but gave up shortly after.
Worth a playthrough is long stories are your thing

A really good entry in the R&C franchise. Visually stunning with vibrant colors and detailed locations. Worth the 1 time play through, can recommend.

Very straight forward gameplay wise. Kind of lost the plot about 5 hours in but a decent game if you wanna mindlessly shoot stuff to pieces.
Wasn't better than the first game but better than 2.

I would say normally I am a pretty average enjoyer of souls games, but this one was the worst I've ever experienced.
95% of the boss fights are gang fights? Horrible hitboxes even with high ADP? Usually I feel accomplished playing these games but this one just made me keep wishing it would hurry up and end. Yet I beat it and marked it off my list, never to be revisited again.

The fighting mechanics were way better than the first 2 games. Graphically sound. But even on the easier difficulties some sections were seemingly way too hard for what the mission was asking.
Other than that, it was solid for my first time every playing this game. Probably won’t replay. Like ever.

I played this game for about 17 hours. Made it up to the second to last boss and just couldn’t stomach it anymore.
Story? Couldn’t follow.
Mechanics? Janky and clunky
All around experience? A waste of my time.
It was to be a fromsoft game so bad but the really bad repetitive enemies and hot boxes that are horrendous, I just can’t go on.

It was alright. Not much to say about it

This game is still as good as I remember it almost 10 years ago. A showcase of what Ubisoft is truly capable of. It had its moments with wonky controls but a good premise and a pretty good story about revenge and redemption.
Worth a play, most definitely

First time ever playing this game.
Way better than the predecessor.

I played the remaster on my PS5. I had never played an Uncharted game before. The controls felt very much like TLOU which is on par for it being a Naughty Dog game. A Mindless playthrough and decent enough to finish.

Uh. I really don't know what to say about this game.
Handful of hours I'll never get back.

Even for a HD remaster this game was very good. I love linear games that keeps the attention. Open world aspects are cool but sometimes detract way too much from the original story.
Definitely worth a playthrough

I've completed this game once before around release, but after playing through it again, I can't believe how good of a Pokemon game this was.
My first playthrough I got the shiny charm and amassed almost 200 shinys but lost it all when I got a new switch and found out there was no cloud save.
It's still an awesome game and I love shiny hunting.

I played through the game as Leon and Claire to achieve the true ending. I thoroughly enjoyed both playthroughs.
Some of the puzzles were aggravating and I still feel like i missed so much.
Will be doing playthroughs 3 and 4 in the future!