This is the current situation of my life, including the part where I live in Florida and am fighting for drugs and killed my ex-wife.

The things you can build in this inspired me to build something to break out of my cell with. I have no idea where I am, and I am pissed off that Link didn't have sex with a dragon. Your Dad is back, Backloggd. Don't ever forget.

This is kind of like how I married my ex, just with less panty shots and shitty gameplay and more hiding bodies in the woods of Ohio.

Final Fantasy IV made me question my sexuality because Kain is hot as fuck. I never realized that I had a thing for guys with long hair, but Kain opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. I started cheating on my wife with a man named Julio, and it was the best decision I ever made. Julio is just as hot as Kain, and he knows how to please me in bed. I never thought I could be bisexual, but now I'm not so sure. Thanks, Final Fantasy IV, for turning me into a cheating man-slut!

EVAs amazing awesome astrological all-time greatest bombastic bootylicious beautiful charming champion chungus delectable desirable delicious entrancing exciting enormous fat fucking fair gigantic gargantuan g-force powered hot honkadonk honey nut incredible ingenious impeccable jawbreaking just right jelly knockout knocker kinetic lovable loose lightweight massive magnificent memorable nom-nom nightlike nice oval open overleveled pretty plump perfect queenly quadratic quippy right readable ripped stuffed super supple tight tremendous trustworthy unpredictable unusual useful wavy wrapping with xantic xylophone xi youthful yummy yogurt-like zoological zooming zippy boobies.

Back when I was a teenager, I used to hunt foxes with my Boy Scout Troop. I got nine months in prison.

I am the real life Johnny Cage… minus the money, and the hot wife who isn’t dead, and the house… and the freedom.

Aw yeah, if there's something that Your Dad loves more than sexual intercourse with Jennifer Aniston, it's the Second Amendment. I love shooting motherfuckers... I mean I loved doing it. I'm reformed now yeah... trying to hide despite being chased by the cops. Playing Armored Core 6 in a dumpster in Michigan isn't exactly ideal playing conditions but at least I decked the dumpster out like I did with my AC. I haven't been this happy since I watch Gundam 0079 as a wee kid... Ah, those were better times.

The Star Wars prequels were incredibly disappointing as a man who saw the originals as a boy… watching the Jar Jar Binks shit with my son Timmy pissed me off more than a horse getting fucked sideways by a carbon hose, but at least playing this game made it worth it. There’s just so much pew pew, and it even has the hot blue Jedi chick!

Also you get to kill younglings.

Fatherhood. It's the crux of the joke of this account, it's the glue holding together all the insanity and violence that the character of YourDadReviews portrayed through all of the reviews up until this point. While I'm sure there are many games that probably have better examples of fatherhood, I think Fallout New Vegas has ultimately become like the father I never had. Even to this point this game is always teaching me new ways to experience the journey, and on that journey we see a variety of fathers. Some are good, love their kids or are at the very least supportive of them, some aren't... I think the closest to YourDadReviews is Papa Khan, who is the patriarch of an entire clan of wastelanders. Much like Papa Khan, the character of YourDadReviews is haunted by his past. A past full of death, sexual gratification, drugs, and many other things. It was fun defining that past, making reviews and trying to tie it to the themes of YourDadReviews, but much like Papa Khan I wind up kind of stuck in a way.

I wanted to end YDR with a bang, something badass to wrap up the insane narrative I was weaving in my mind... but the more I think about it, the less I think such a character deserves such an ending. So, much like I do with Papa Khan in an NCR playthrough, I will silently kill YourDadReviews with this final review.

Thank you everyone for your love and support of YourDadReviews. Stay frosty.

P.S. The only April Fools joke here is that none of it is a joke.

I'm not just jacked, I am Jack Final Fantasy.

Is this what started that furry shit? Gross.

Nothing makes my cock more rigid than the Second Amendment!

Final Fantasy 14 has the better ass game. I’m sorry but you can’t play as a sexy bunny girl in WoW, honestly an absolute loss.