These remind me too much of raising my son. Eventually I'd get so tired of raising him that I'd give him a shot of whiskey just to shut him up so I could play more God of War, a game worth my time and my boner.

This is like multiple DUI Tests I’ve taken.

The only thing illegal about this game is how little time the developers had to work on it.

That and the porn of its characters. We're watching you, bunch of sick perverts.

This is the representation of what happens to cause divorce. You accidentally change who you're riding with, and suddenly you're a cheater and a liar and not just trying to ride the best way possible. Not that I was the one riding, but I definitely enjoyed being ridden.

We've arrested over 95 different Sonic Frontiers haters, and we're willing to arrest as many as it takes.

Hating Frontiers is worth a life sentence.

Have you ever boned your wife to the Overworld Theme? It's super hot, let me tell you... at least until she compares your penis to a 1-Up Mushroom.

I wish I could've banged my High School Teacher, at least she wouldn't have taken my paycheck like the ex-wife.

Exploring is pretty lame, but worth it to see Samus' juicy milkers. The price of teetdom is steep.

I smoked a stogie when I played this back in the day and I couldn't tell where I was supposed to go. I got mad after a while because I couldn't bone the princess.

2B's ravenous supple ample powerful prosthetic bombastic fantastic orgasmic elastic binky bouncy saucy flossy mossy godly delectable selectable checkable flexible mountain-like pillow-like smooth groove on the move come my lady come come my lady, you're my butterfly, sugar, baby incredulous ass.

Playing this is more likely to get me arrested than murdering my ex-wife and her husband.

Trish has great boobs, and Dante is a cool motherfucker. Not as cool as me though, I served in the Navy Seals.

No, I am not lying, I really did serve, I swear!

When I first played Crazy Taxi I was just a young lad, and I thought that the police force was the best thing in the world. I would watch shows like Cops and think that these guys were heroes, and that if I ever needed help I could just call the police and they would come and save me. But then I played Crazy Taxi.

In Crazy Taxi, the police are the villains. They are the ones who are trying to stop you from doing whatever you want, they are the ones who are trying to ruin your fun. And worst of all, they are the ones who are always arresting you. Whenever I would play Crazy Taxi I would always get arrested, and it would always be the cops who were arresting me. This made me hate the police force, and it made me realize that all cops are bastards.

But the thing that I hated the most about the police force in Crazy Taxi was their brutality. They would always beat me up and take me to jail, and it was never fun. In fact, it was really quite painful. And it made me angry, because I didn't think that the police should be able to do that. I thought that they should be helping people, not beating them up and taking them to jail.

And that's why I think that the police force is a bad thing, and that all cops are bastards. They are always arresting people, they are always beating people up, and they are always ruining people's fun. I think that we should be able to walk around the streets naked and killing people without getting arrested, and I think that the police force should be abolished.

Love is fake, Squall will leave Rinona after he finds out that the only thing that matters is looking cool and and having a gun for a sword. Bro, the second amendment rights of this game are awesome!

It's super cool, but it doesn't have any female robots for me to nut my bolts in, if you catch my drift.

Also they're all animals.