short and sweet, fine overall. introduced daisy

It was really fun to experience the story. If any game needed a cinematic cam every encounter, this one wasnt it

I might have abused the hell out of rewind

Not even God could have predicted what this game did to me.

I played through 1 full campaign of Godzilla, and touched a couple of the smaller ones, was great to relive the game I grew up playing. Hope for a port or remaster one day!

Incredible, one of the best experiences I've had with horror in general. The vibes were immaculate

Perfect endings in a story don't have to be perfect all the way through, they just have to embody everything that came before. An incredible experience over the last 8 years for me.

Peeta its like the perfect video game

First time finishing MASTER QUEST, fun ride way more different on the Puzzles then I was expecting

I can fight only so many Spirit Chozo

Quick little fun bite sized mario

Greatest 7/10 RPG i have ever played. I love Estelle and Joshua. The ending made me realized how invested I actually was into the game despite not much happening.