There was no need for them to go this hard

You can fuck Putin in this

I may pick this one up again at a later date, but there are only so many recycled boss encounters I can take before concluding that I dislike this game for the same reason as Dark Souls II: artificial difficulty.

I would very much like to complete this game but it crashes every half hour on PC

I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea. I will always be with you. Plant your roots in me. I won't see you end as ashes. You're all diamonds.

Ravelholm is still terrifying

I think this might be about Mozart and Salieri

The best bit is the cutscene at the end where Layton nearly loses his hat

It's a Skyrim mod with a pretty interesting story and engaging gameplay. The jank is pretty noticeable but it just makes me more excited to see what Modern Storyteller can do in the future.

I imagine that this DLC will prove very polarising. On the one hand, it fits nicely within the lore of the main game and ties up some loose ends. On the other, it introduces some survival horror elements that arguably go against the spirit of the original.

For the most part, I liked it

You have to give Uchikoshi credit for putting together one of the most unhinged plotlines in an adventure game ever, but you have to slog through a hell of a lot to get there

I sort of spent the whole time wishing I was playing Hollow Knight again. There's been so much experimentation among Metroidvania indies in the past couple of years and we get... this? Fusion 2? Sure.

let us sit around and speak feverishly