64 reviews liked by amph1920

Hey guys! I just logged Fightcade as completed 5 s- SHUT UP! This is a PLATFORM. Not a VIDEO GAME. Stop acting like you play video games by logging shit like this. Nobody cares if you played Chrome Dino and Smash Bros. Fighter Pass 3. Go play some real shit like Modern Warfare then come talk to me.

ungodly substance used by developers making this game

Went through this to see just what the recent euphoria hype was all about. I can see why Drake is getting the flack for being a producer on this, because what the fuck. It's just like his music; there's way too much shit for this to be enjoyable. Kendrick Lamar was right and he should fuck Drake more violently, please.

almost immediately after adding a sephiroth mii, he wanted to be friends with the aerith one.. that mf has nothing but evil intentions behind making that move

more like No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle to be a good sequel lmao

kyle hyde why didnt you listen to the 1 star vs 5 star hotel tik toks

Look at this SJW soyboy they put on the cover lmao

I’m no media chud loser or anything but like this game is pretty chill maybe even 5/5 god forbid who knows

people will say this trumps every other game in the series through their shattered screen iPhone 8’s and then go to their fridge to see it’s empty the lights are blinking and there is nothing but a slice of week old little ceasers pizza and a 6 pack of stella