This title deserves every award it got. From its gorgeous art style to its swift gameplay, every aspect of Hades is so well polished that trying to escape the underworld feels just amazing. The daring but mind-blowing representation of the greek deities and their stories, which the player discovers bit by bit through interactions with them during and in between escape attempts, feels so natural that one may not suspect to what point they are accurately based on classical greek culture.
The combat is pure joy. Its learning curve may be a bit too steep, but the controls are so simple and its mechanics so intuitive that it's easy to get accustomed to it. Besides, the rewards and skills that the player obtains during runs (all of them passive) helps the player reach just a bit further on every try, which along with the bullyish relationship between Hades and the main character makes completing a run the most gratifying itch to scratch.

Easier to follow than the Zero Escape series, and funnier overall, although not as deep. The cast was lovable, real and super easy to connect with.

bam bam bam pew pew rat-tat-tat but 2

Looks gorgeous and its FUN!! And Luigi is so well characterized all through the series


This game is sooo well-rounded. Multiplayer left so many good memories.

fun remake that feels nice to control but visually downgraded from the original's goofy ass of Sir Daniel Fortesque

Te juro que si no me han salido 180 mensajes con mucho texto interrumpiendo el gameplay durante las dos horas que he jugado me llamo Rupeltinski y soy un gnomo verde que se desplaza dando botes y convierte las cosas en oro. De verdad que la premisa de la historia luce divertidísima y tenía muchas ganas de jugarlo pero las dos horas que he pasado con él han sido la experiencia más caótica y destartalada que he vivido delante de una pantalla en mucho tiempo.

god I wish current Mario Party was half as fun as the first few, from the clunky character models to the charming boards with matching costumes for the players. The minigames are ROUGH in the funniest way possible and so are mechanics such as landing on the CHANCE TIME space and swapping all your hard-earned stars with another player on round 47 after 5 hours of playing.

This game will always be in my heart.


I didn’t expect to like the game this much but its world has so much love poured into it with such a good taste that it is a delight to vibe through its cyber-apocaliptic settings.

Gameplay and storytelling wise it doesn’t offer much, but that isn’t necessarily bad. It knows where to draw the line to offer a neat, cool, mesmerizing experience.

this is the worst excuse of a port I have ever played and I had to review it for a print magazine if you think pokemon scarlet and violet is bad believe me you haven’t seen nothing

most complete classic monster hunter with the weakest monster selection and without swimming mechanics because monster hunter players are afraid of success. Great nonetheless

not very memorable except for that ost that plays while you fight the ultimate sheikah ninja monk boss

fun and challenging cherry on top that should have come included in the original game (not that the game is lacking in content anyway)