A technical achievement for the SNES. Very impressive visually but the controls aren't particularly great and the game doesn't handle all that well. I've played a bit of Pilotwings 3D so I know what this series ends up becoming. It's some really solid stuff for the time period but definitely not something you need to go all the way through. I think it's worth booting up on whatever system you like just to stare at the graphics in awe.

Hey you! How would you like to play 25 hours of the same mission over and over again? How about the same grey buildings? What about putting cool moments into cutscenes and leaving the boring parts to gameplay? Seriously, how do you do an entire bank heist and have most of it as a cutscene? The shooting mechanics are fine mostly, but I'm so glad that bloom is a dead trend. This game is so repetitive. I really don't get why anyone would think GTA 5 was a downgrade when it was so much more varied. I can tell there's the groundwork for a good or even great game here but there's just nothing that pulls me in. The story is good yeah but when it's delivered the way it is I can't really care that much.

Oh yeah also it's ridiculously homophobic. Like even by the standard of 2008. Thank god Rockstar has realized how bad they were.

The gear system is awful and the combat could've used some more polish. Let's get that out of the way. But God of War's commitment to immersion and storytelling is where it truly shines. Admittedly I could never get into the Greek trilogy, gameplay wise. I still wanna give them another go and I love their narrative but I think God of War 2018 made the right call by changing its gameplay so radically. The slower pace allows for more character moments and time to breathe between big fights. I appreciate how much Kratos and Atreus get to just... talk. Without plot happening all the time there's lot of small moments where their contrasting personalities can clash. I can definitely get why someone would think this game was a step in the wrong direction but it just worked perfectly for me. Perhaps a weird comparison but it kind of reminded me of Half-Life in some ways while I was playing it. Half-Life of course is much more gameplay driven and doesn't have as much padding as God of War, but the way you see Kratos's point of view from start to finish and it never breaks from this is something that really reminds me of that old school immersion driven kind of game design that we don't really see a lot in AAA games anymore. I don't know if Santa Monica were influenced by that game at all but it stuck out to me a bit. I think if you played just one of these big cinematic PlayStation exclusives, God of War is definitely the one to go for.

I don't think I'm very excited for Elder Scrolls 6 anymore.

From the producers who played "Dark Souls"

Not a bad game by any means, just failed to grab me. Stopped about half way in and I just wasn't really that impressed. Visually it's fantastic of course. But the game just ended up feeling like a greatest hits compilation of the Fromsoft library. Not inherently a bad thing but I wasn't a fan of the implementation of certain aspects to it.

I'll get back to it eventually, probably on Steam instead of Game Pass. But to make a comparison, I'd always rather go see new band than a tribute band. I've got a lot of other games in my library I'd rather get around to finishing first. So Lies of P isn't really high priority for me.

Decided to revisit this game and... wow. Something about it just clicked for me this time around. I decided to engage with the game on its own terms rather than what I wished it had been and the experience was far more enjoyable. Incredibly immersive. Fantastic themes about accepting the inevitable and pushing back against tyranny even when it seems hopeless.

I didn't really get Cyberpunk the first time around, but the second time it felt profound almost. Up there with the all time greats of the medium, without question. Of course, there's a bit too much side content that isn't substantial, but the stuff that is worth playing is sickening, funny, heartwarming, depressing, and every other range of emotions.

By the end of the game you really get why Night City is such a horrible place. It's not even so much a class war, more everything in their society is rotten from top to bottom. Capitalism is of course to blame but they need a social revolution, not just a political one. Nihilism runs rampant here. The vast majority do nothing because what is there to do and the rest join corps or gangs to try to cut out their own slice of the pie. But there never really was a pie to begin with. It's all a false promise from scum like Militech and Arasaka to grind more bodies in their bloodied machine.

There really is no way to be a good person here. Choices are fucked from the start and the world was built to reward villainy. Even the option you think is the "correct" one ruins something for someone, somewhere. And I kind of love it. It's a kind of moral ambiguity you don't see in a lot of games of this budget.

Cyberpunk had a rocky launch when it came out. But 3 years later and after a commendable amount of work (that frankly shouldn't have been necessary. Fuck shareholders and fuck executives.) the game deservedly takes a throne among the best cyberpunk games of all time, and definitely one of the best games of 2020.

I could go super into why I think this game is disappointing but honestly, it's already everyone's favorite game of the year so anything I could say would be dust in the wind. Poor enemy variety, poor dungeon design, underbaked gameplay mechanics, annoying ui design, everything about this game just feels underwhelming to me. I prefered BOTW by far.

A lot of people really missed the point of this game.

Absolutely kick ass gameplay with one of the worst stories I've ever seen in a game. I wish they would've done a sequel to this where they went all in on the immersive sim influences.

I really want to wholeheartedly love this game but it's held back insanely hard by the amount of time it demands from you. The events and the story chapters are too long and demand too much grind for their own good. Project Moon makes great games. Lobotomy Corporation is a favorite of mine and I'm slowly chiseling my way through Ruina but Limbus Company misses the mark in several ways. I'm not gonna drop the game or anything, I'm still interested in the characters and the setting and want to read about it all more but I can't really say Limbus Company is particularly exceptional. It's just fine. And I suppose I shouldn't expect more from gacha.

EDIT: im going to become the fucking joker. not reducing my score for the game because theyre not gonna see it and it wont affect them but know that i am livid about their choice to fire their cg artist

Pretty mediocre version of Tetris held up by really good presentation and music. Interesting to play for novelty but it would never be my main version of the game. Get your fix somewhere else.

Alright look. I didn't finish this game. I put a bit over an hour into it. I think that's enough though. This game was clearly made with care for the IP but the developers were very inexperienced. All 8 (Yes, 8. I bought the DLC. For the bit, of course.) characters feel super weak. Very few attacks are actually any good. Nora and Pyrrha are okay. But other than that no one feels particularly satisfying. The game looks nice though. The graphics do a nice job of replicating the visuals of the show, so it gets extra points for that. The animations are stiff and not very good which also looks like the show.

RWBY May Cry this is not. If you're looking for a new action game to play, stay away from this one. Even if you just want a RWBY game, it's really not worth it either. The charm of the show isn't present here and the game is barren of features. Your time is much better spent on other games in the genre. Honestly there's probably some mods for DMC5 you could use and get a much better experience than this.

Also, 20 dollars? Really? I'm glad I got this in a Humble Bundle. It's insane that this game costs that much when it's so barren of content.

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.

I think Dark Souls 2 is one of the most overhated games of the 2010s. A lot of DNA for later Fromsoft titles began here and while it may not have the polish of the other two games it still has a lot of character and one of the strangest worlds in a video game. Drangleic feels like a hazy dream. On a recent replay of this game I found a bunch of rooms that I had never seen before. Did you know there's a third bonfire in Iron Keep? It's pretty weird.

I know this game has a lot of problems but I can't help but love it, in spite of and because some of theses problems? The world design is nonsensical. I was streaming my playthrough to a few friends and one of them commented "Every time I look away and look back you're in a completely different area I've never seen before." Which, yeah. Dark Souls 2 feels like that.

If you're having trouble with the game I definitely recommend making a +10 rapier, buying life gems with your leftover souls and breezing through the game. You pretty much won't struggle at any point due to the rapier's insane DPS and the huge healing capability of life gems. In short, Dark Souls 2 may not be a "good" video game but it's a favorite of mine and though it took me a long time to realize that I love it, I'm glad I did.

Definitely the best "game" in the Dark Souls series, but the worst at being Dark Souls in my opinion. The openness and mystery of exploring Lordran and Drangleic isn't present here. However, what this game does offer is some of the best designed boss fights in the Souls series. Not my personal favorite, but a solid entry worthy of praise.