possibly the greatest achievement in a video game yet. death stranding is what you get when you give one of the most celebrated minds in the industry a blank check and freedom to tell whatever kind of story he wants to. i don't think there's anything i could say about the game that would really put my feelings about this game into words appropriately. but beyond the game itself, it's amazing to see such a creator driven project with as few limitations as death stranding. i definitely don't think this game is for everyone. it's very polarizing and i get why people wouldn't like it. but hey, it's on pc game pass as of this review being posted. why not give it a go if you haven't? you might be able to see the special game that i see, or you may think it's pretentious and boring. but either way, you'd have exposed yourself to one of the most unique and ambitious titles out there, and your horizions will be broadened by doing so.

extremely boring gameplay, uninteresting story, and by god some of the most annoying voice acting i've heard in a AAA title. i really tried to get through it but it totally lost me around the 10 hour mark. the game's loop isn't very fun and every combat encounter plays out exactly the same. there's no skill to this game as it basically plays itself and you kind of just sit and watch it happen. honestly unsure why i have so much of a disconnect about this game compared to the rest of this site but it probably isn't helped by me being extremely jaded about the modern state of marvel as a company in general.

this game feels amazing to play but the HEAVY reuse of bosses and levels makes getting through it feel more like a chore than entertainment. i'll go back for the vergil and lady/trish campaigns some time, they look fun but i doubt my opinion on the levels would change that much

After a solid start with DMC and an abysmal dip in DMC2, I think the series finally found its footing here. They struck just the right balance of difficulty and fun for the game to be an absolute blast to play without being so easy it makes you fall asleep. Not to mention the boss fights, holy shit the boss fights. Such a step up from the first two games. This game is honestly probably perfect, I can't say there are any real problems I had with it. Might get my hands on the Switch version sometime to play around with style switching and having all weapons at once. Great game. Definitely recommend to any fan of the genre.

i don't know how they did it but this game is actually worse than people say it is

Good, but aged really poorly in certain aspects. Especially that final boss, wtf were they thinking lol. Excited to see what the rest of the series has to offer though, when this game is fun it's REALLY fun. It's just held back really hard by a ton of 90s game design relics.

This is secretly the best Zelda game. It's so easy to pick up but still offers some good and fun challenge. Not to mention having the coolest story of any Zelda in my opinion. Sometimes a simple narrative is the most effective. And searching for the game's Collectable Dibby feels satisfying and rewarding as you get genuinely good upgrades to all of your gear if you collect them all. Great game. The best game even perhaps.

playing this game feels like you're covered in oil in a bathtub

yeah y'know it's mario. you get what you see on the box. 3 is still the quintessential nes mario game though

good artwork, banger music, decently engaging puzzles. no masterpiece but was it ever trying to be one? definitely a fun idea of a couple hours

Raiden gets a happy ending. 10/10

Edit: After some thought its not actually a 10/10 but it's still pretty damn good video games

2024 edit: ok its kinda shit actually but its admirable

I think the side characters in this one were a bit less interesting but it's still kino as fuck

pretty solid lego entry. main reason i like this one is because all of the obscure characters it digs up for the roster, since they couldn't use x-men