My most favourite game of all time. I understand it's criticisms, and it has its flaws, but I could play through this game 1000 times and still not be bored.

Best pokemon game in a while, Nintendo and Game Freak really need to take notes and carry this kind of quality into their main line titles, but I don't think that's gonna happen.

Amazing game, only made more impressive when you consider the tight deadline Obsidian had to produce it, and they knocked it out of the park. It may be a buggy mess, but its OUR buggy mess. All credit to Obsidian for this one.

Game very good, I struggle to consistently play it but that's just on me

After finishing the game, I can give it nothing but props for how amazing its world and story is. Fuck the shareholders though, give ZA/UM their game back you spineless pigs.

Really really excellent. I had some issues with how many collactathons there were and how many of the little challenges that were there, in my mind, to pad time, but still really fun and a great story.

This game, while fun, failed to give me the motivation to finish it for quite a while, I'm not entirely sure why that is but yeah I couldn't stick with it for a while. Still undeniably a good game though, would recommend.

Game is fun as hell, story is genuinely really good, holds up incredibly despite being 10 years old now. It only loses points for me because the online is hot dookie garbage

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is really a breath for fresh air for 2D Mario titles. With an amazing new visual style, solid gameplay and super fun gimmicks, it's hard not to place this as one of the greatest 2D Mario games of all time, if not one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time.

Even after a rough start, Cyberpunk managed to prove itself as a super goddamn fun game. Really need to finish this someday.

Really really super good. Hard to go wrong with a souls title and this one is just so thematically excellent. I love how visceral and feminine the games themes are, highly recommend.

Gameplay is really fun, story is great, I really need to play more of this series.