very cool and full of personality but i'm just not super stoked to walk around and accomplish nothing for so long

i'll come back to this later maybe but the endless sokoban isn't super fun for me

started playing this again for the first time since high school. i remembered being able to pass the first two levels and getting stuck on the third before giving up, so i made it a goal to finally beat hexagonest and i did! crazy how big the jump in difficulty is for that one, first two i got basically immediately and hexagonest took me like a dozen sessions of trying and failing.

Fun game in the style of point and click puzzle adventures. I think the language translation is interesting, but doesn't quite go as far as I'd like it to. The game flirts with some ideas like changing Subject/Object/Verb ordering, how to represent plurality, but is limited by the fact that glyphs are usually 1:1 translations. The last world was really frustrating too, since they present a cool language system where words are comprised of other words, but the translation in that area is done in a flash and it doesn't do anything with the idea.

Aesthetically I think the choice to do a fixed point of view works really well and makes for some interesting "shots". The graphic style is fine, kinda flat but it works well enough. Music is similarly suitable but nothing mind blowing.

Plot and theme wise, I enjoyed the idea of connecting different cultures. The ending sequence very cleverly communicates to the player a key theme of the game completely wordlessly, maybe the best part of the game.

Oh yeah, and like everyone else has said the stealth parts were wack.

Look no shade if you loved this game as a kid or whatever but as an adult I found the writing to be god awful trope-y anime bs. I hate the dialogue, I hate how every single text box has one of like three different dings to indicate emotion, the plot is somehow contrived/full of plot holes yet completely predictable, only a couple character designs manage to be good while the rest are either bad or outright offensive, the "puzzles" do not require you to use your brain and instead force you to trial and error things you couldn't possibly know beforehand... I dunno man. how is this so highly regarded?


hits my dopamine receptors like a freight truck. the obvious comparison is zachtronics, but this is more about math and logic versus a zach-like which might be more about the spatial engineering aspects. this also has less freedom to do interesting things - ideally you come up with a short list of perfect axioms and be done with it. so it's just overall more math-y and less engineer-y with all that entails

a slight annoyance i have with it is the progression system, i wanted to build rules with variables from the beginning but couldn't and was forced to make a bunch of subpar rules and later clean them up which was annoying

i'm probably not the target audience for the eroticism of this but i do love games where you're on the computer. it has a good sense of humor and great writing. i think the multimedia aspect of it could have been pushed even further but it's still pretty cool

maybe the most underrated game of all time. get btfo mario kart you wish you could have this much style

Very much my to my tastes, aesthetically. The bullet hell sections are a good twist. There was an attempt at a story... Unfortunate that they did character design so well for everyone but the final boss.

I'm glad the meta-progression is limited here, instead of endless upgrades you're eventually going to have to make upgrade builds to use instead. Overall the game seems more intended to be played and done with than other games in this genre, though I still think the core gameplay that isn't bullet hell ends up being a little meh and too reliant on standing in place while you see how well you chose upgrades.

It's fun. I don't think that having extra spectacle and good game feel is a bad thing, and this would be a good game even without its Vampire Survivors level of visual flourish. That said, it doesn't have quite the same level of strategy for a roguelike deckbuilder as some other greats in the genre, and relies maybe a bit too much on the randomness of which jokers you get to make a run interesting.

might come back to this with a different frame of mind later but right now it strikes me as being kinda boring. you do a lot of the same most levels, meh speed platforming and pressing b on enemies until the game stops you and makes you press x on enemies. idk. the challenge isn't very interesting

oof. playing this after pseudoregalia is not favorable for this game at all. the platforming / movement is kinda frustrating honestly. at best you can go kinda fast, at worst you're dying because the level didn't properly telegraph a jump and you drop like a rock.

visuals and music are good. i did not go for the extra secret stuff because i found myself wanting to finish the game faster instead of wanting to play more

Absolutely blew me away. Best 3D platformer movement I've ever experienced. Works great as a Metroidvania, the sense of exploration is really great and since the atmosphere is great and your movement is inherently fun, it's never a pain to have to go anywhere. It's pretty open-ended too, you aren't railroaded all the time like in actual Metroid. And honestly, it feels like the intended experience of this game is to accidentally sequence break at several points, which I love. This game makes you feel like a 3D platforming genius and I fucking love it.

I have just a couple tiny, tiny knocks on it. The music is kinda meh and loops quickly. And the final boss / ending was extremely underwhelming, felt like kind of a letdown after such a cool game to have an easy beat down boss. I would have liked some sort of final epic platforming challenge.

short and fun but nothing mind blowing