81 Reviews liked by bigpapasimon

i am NOT going to hell in real life

Hey Elon Musk, I know your fucking nerd fans love that you used JC Denton on twitter as a profile pic, but the one most likely to be a part of an evil organization of rich assholes running the world is you, you fucking fascist billionaire. Fuck Elon Musk.

Also good game, fun times with soy food and cybernetics.

EDIT: this review is funnier after the whole twitter thing. I’m glad that pompous dickhead is finally getting publicly humiliated so thoroughly.

The Anthony Fantano of video games. Ruined a whole generation of men.

This review was written before the game released

She elden on my ring till i'm far fromsoft

Portal : Alien :: Portal 2 : Aliens

a game for people who think the deadpool movies are the funniest things they've ever seen

also randy pitchford sus USB drive

half life fans manage to make either the worst half life game or the best half life game, this is the latter

I am in possession of the single greatest video game anecdote of all time which is the following

i recommended portal to a friend and she started it and was having a lovely time. one day i messaged her to check in and jokingly said "how is GLaDOS treating you" and she said "Who?" and I said "GLaDOS, the AI lady who is talking to you" and my friend said "I've... been playing the game on mute."

PORTAL. on MUTE. incredible. that's the human condition or something

I have a newfound respect for mountain climbers after playing this game. Fucked up what they go through

play as the ever titular counter terrorist, john counter terrorist as you save the world from a funny explosion (i think the explosion is staged cus the fireball produced are just jpegs lol.) team up with various teenaged white supremacists and shout racial epithets at others all the while you miss a shot due to bad hit registration and first shot innacuracy due to bad game design.