Randomly remembered I never beat the final boss for this game, and hadn't played it since July 2019 because I remember not being able to beat him. I must've just sucked at games then, because I came back, barely remembering the controls, and beat him in a few tries, so I guess that's that LOL

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Like the previous game I played, this was another short, charming game. Definitely was fun hunting down all the fish and their aberrations. Didn't fully have the oomph I was looking for, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. And the story twist was cool too, along with the side story in the Pale Reach. You know I love my fishing and golfing games, so I'm glad a friend recommended it to me. Might have to play Dave the Diver soon

Fun little game with a lot of charm. Definitely a big fan of Lucas Pope's games. Now I might have to get a Playdate just so I can play Mars After Midnight...

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I actually can't believe the phasmid was real. What a beautifully written game

How this didn't get nominated for best soundtrack, I have no idea. But such a fun game. I was a little saddened at first that you only have three buttons for tricks, but honestly the game only got better as I played more. There are so many different ways to trick and traverse, that it always kept things fresh. The themes for all the maps were so cool too. Highly would recommend playing this game

Really cool concept. Loved deciphering all of the different languages. And a decent message to boot. I'll admit, wasd to move instead of point and click would make the controls a bit less cumbersome at times, but overall I really enjoyed this game.

Really sick mystery/puzzle game. I loved uncovering the story and finding out the backgrounds and motivations of each character along the way. Also loved the art style and overall eerie vibe. Highly recommend!

Despite the obvious technical problems, I really enjoyed this game. So much fun exploration and platforming. Just such an improvement in so many ways from the previous game. I thought Pyloon's was a great hub area for interacting with different characters and seeking out rumors. Every side character has their own flaws and interests that build their own unique stories. Every planet felt so satisfying to explore and find all of the smaller details hidden inside. Definitely one of my favorite games I played this year

This is game is bursting with creativity with so many cool ideas packed into one game. I can't believed I enjoyed a 2D Mario this much. Just a super fun little game all around

Really cool atmospheric puzzle game. Getting that secret ending though was something else LOL

Sunshine and Galaxy are awesome to play. Mario 64 is a classic that I think is held back just a bit by the N64 camera controls. But all in all a great time playing these games. BIG fan of 3D Mario games. So much creativity in the level design, music, and platforming

Fantastic detective style game! Highly recommend!! So fun piecing everything together

Cute little goose game. Getting the timed achievement for the back gardens took quite a bit 😅