this game is really cool on most fronts and im glad it exists, but something about the combat/platforming kinda fatigued me toward the end, felt like i had seen it all by the 70% mark.
/ive realized over time rhythm action games arent my thing, lol


edit: i spent an entire week trying to kill the limit cut bosses and it was kind of insane. the secret boss is out of the question for me right now but i will probably fight that soon. im already fully aware its extremely kino at the very least

plays extremely well, solid amount of content that made me want to put effort into completing most of what it has to offer and presented super nicely. everyone is saying the dialogue and story stink. they do. good game.

played almost to the end. as interesting as i think the game and its multitude of ideas and systems are (esp as a snes release) it became increasingly frustrating and tedious to play as i settled in and learned how things worked. the variety of options completely stopped meaning anything as the only way that i was able to finish levels was to turtle my whole team and slowly pick off guys or suicide charge to kill the one target. a lot of my issues i feel are symptoms of the original game design, as it just felt very slow and low-impact. not to mention the game is SO LONG lmao, i literally gave it 40 hours. no thank you.

cant say i regret playing this one. had a really good time with everything that wasnt ala mhigo, and the postgame in particular had some real banger moments. yotsuyu owns

very excellent adventure game, definitely my favorite of the square enix AA game release streak of the last year or so. so much charm oozing from the writing and localization as well as the characters and their interactions with each other. the mystery is told in such a compelling way that i can only recommend going in completely blind. so many surprises and tricks that really hit hardest the first time

a microdosage of xenoblade 2. its just the good parts of that game but also id be lying if i said that the last 3 hours before the final boss wasnt laborious and kinda awful. id also be lying if i said everything right after wasnt amazing and almost makes it worth it??? fun time.

now if only i cared for xenoblade 2...

ohh yeaaa its so goood i love ada wong


beat like 4 runs, very cool and fun remaster. tons of polish

thought the game was generally really well done. the combat system is basically perfect and the new story direction is not bad, overall ticks most of the boxes for me as a big ff7 fan.
really really couldve used without the classic AAA and PS4 era bloat that pads the game out an extra 3+ hours though. the side quests are really lame, i did like 3 of them. hope rebirth has a more meaningfully used length

they somehow followed up on ayesha by making the gameplay loop even more addicting and the vibes more vibing. it feels considerably less "open" than ayesha but i think i almost prefer it this way. the game is sort of on rails in terms of getting your tasks done, but it has enough going on that it feels like i still have to think about what im doing. that airship sideplot was a really cool little side gig that felt so rewarding and added to the main plot as well
also the final boss theme is a vocal track sung by kanako itou?? peak fiction

jumpscariness was too much for me but also the game doesn't play great. feels like im walking through mud and the ui was not designed or adapted for keyboard at all lol. progression was either lame and obvious, or made me get lost as a result of not combing the whole environment enough

[2.x only] didnt realize how long the ARR postgame was. in that time i became hella attached to the characters and world when base ARR didnt really did anything for me. cant rate this super highly on virtue of over half of the time being kinda dry but i am very much into whatever happens next