probably one of the best april fools games that could have been released. all the charm you could want out of sonic in a fun little package, shows how much mileage you can get out of a joke VN by making it earnest instead of cynical

cant say i loved it quite as much as the previous two once i knew basically what to expect, but still a really charming and fun game. finishing the whole trilogy out made me very emotional.

massive step up from 7. fun combat and a wide variety of scenarios that keep moving at a very breakneck pace that still manages to stay thrilling. ethan winters gotta be the best dad

very cute and charming little puzzle game! fun mysteries and the ending made me cry :)

easily one of my favorite Nintendo games.. so full of life and flavor and fun creature designs, great puzzle/strategy gameplay loop that kept me engrossed beyond the main story. i went back and did everything there is to do and i still want more! dandori for lyfe

awful 7th gen jank, completely one note and awkward gameplay with such awkward storytelling. doesnt help this newer pc port is riddled with issues anyway.

cool game. love the off kilter corporate aesthetic and the usage of impossible spaces. i'm surprised how well they made a lot of modern AAA game system trappings work within the framework of the game--specifically things like handing out trinkets every few minutes, skill trees, stat boosts, and other arbitrary rpg elements came together in a way that worked when it could've been tedious. helps that this game generally doesn't overstay its welcome and keeps moving fairly quickly

short but sweet dungeon that doesn't throw out too many surprises outside of that. very fun and hectic boss fights with an especially great final boss. we'll see what leviathan has in store considering this is kind of a sample of what else they can do

dropped because of constant crashing. oops!

fine game but obnoxiously punishing

solid puzzle game that works

this games quest mode was pretty fun !! a lot of different gimmicks that bring a lot of variety.. Good