awesome game, sadly back to come back to. Had it gather dust in my steam account for a while but could never get back to it. Have not finished the game but have finished Hearts of Stone, and it was incredible. Really wish to get back to it once again.

valve's masterpiece. this game does no wrong

Gameplay is alright, it's got nothing on DMC5 or Bayonetta for example, but the story is absolutely incredible. play

beating the ever living shit out of people never gets old

beating the ever living shit out of people got old, but at least it's better than yakuza 1... i guess

tooooo many fucking ragdolls but fun game. Too bad karaoke fuckign sucks now, though.

i dont really like platforming games

im terrible at this game and i dont like dying constantly


i have completed the main story, but honestly the game isn't really the main story it's everything surrounding it. I have never touched the DLCs in my life ever, and I really should

game feels old and all, but as I grew up with Half Life I can't really rate this any lower. At the time I played it, 5/5. Still love replaying it, but some stuff gets a bit old.

14 year old me thought this game was fucking incredible. But it's really not all that good. Elizabeth