The worst Dark Souls by a good margin is still easily one of the best video games. How’s that for overachievement?

This game was a bug-ridden mess at launch, but I kinda still loved it. Must be pretty stellar by now with all the patches.

I haven’t gone back to confirm this is still the best 3D platformer ever made, but at the time it was definitely the best 3D platformer ever made.

More than just a womb for Dota.

It cannot be overstated how bland and generic this game’s central story is (including its primary antagonist, practically a nonentity). The party members are cool and there are hints of interesting political conflicts in the background, yet the main quest is lowest common denominator Tolkien fan fic.

It’s also got some incredibly tedious copy-paste-encounter dungeon design. The dwarf knockoff Moria level in particular is a labyrinthine hell of repetition no one should have to suffer through for the wet fart that is Origins’ finale.

Why three stars, in that case? Idk, I’m a sucker for Flemeth and illusory moral dialogue trees I guess.

Nearly unplayable now in light of modern control standards, but you have to appreciate how hard it was going for it.

Feels good to shoot waves of things in this game while you ignore the characters blathering on about some poorly explained, context-free mess of cosmic stories and listen to a podcast instead.

Truly, if you didn’t play Destiny 1 the narrative here is indecipherable nonsense. The game doesn’t even tell you what missions out of the gazillion available missions you’re supposed to do next to advance the “main story.”

But the guns do feel good to shoot, that much is true.

As a piece of design it’s completely outdated and impenetrable, but that doesn’t change The Legend of Zelda’s ability to take me back to a state like lost memory. It’s an evocative and powerful little game about being stranded in a strange and dangerous magical world; I’ll always kind of love it for that even if I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

I'm the one person on earth who despises the vehicle and Space Harrier sections, but this game still kicks massive angelic ass.

Probably the most impressive remake/remaster in the medium to date. Absolutely breathtaking new animation. Wonder Boy itself is an artifact in a lot of ways, yet a fascinating one that’s mostly still engaging as a game — until you reach some near-broken late-game sequences whose difficulty spikes so high a successful run depends more on luck and patience than any real skill or practice.

Criminally good. Like a fantasy of every Star Trek and Firefly ship simulator I ever wanted made real. The final boss structure is eventually kind of a bummer, but FTL is otherwise an all-timer.

This game ate my homework and my life.