the amy games

Nothing here!

maybe the closest friendship i’ve ever had in my life was built in not insignificant part through time spent thirst posting about the main villain (monkey) from this game together
y'all ever watch 2010s nintendo youtuber balrog's nintendo game room, nobody doing it like him these days
one time one of my sister's friend's friends got so mad at her and so tried to publish our old home IP address all over the internet as publicly as possible and i'm not sure what he was trying to accomplish considering he provided no, like, details or anything. it was so sad cause i was the minecraft host for my friends and after that incident my dad said no more minecraft server hosting in the household.
when i was a kid one time i asked my youth pastor why god made the world with 3 dimensions instead of, say, 2 or 4 and she told me to shut up i was like 8 and it was such an innocent question lmfao
i'm pretty sure playing hide and seek on the maps with my siblings and dad while not doing any combat was the first video game i ever played


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