industry honeymoon core

games with outspoken fandoms that were nigh universally acclaimed for a time but have recently gotten a lot more backlash. excluding titles that receive flak which only extends to "aging poorly" because that's a whole other argument that i neither agree with nor care to get into here

not necessarily reflective of my own opinions. open to suggestions/revisions


spec ops the line?
I feel like fallout 3 is in the same vein as 4 but maybe a little less harsh
Super mario odyssey has received some backlash over time as well
Grand theft auto III, especially on this site
Goldeneye 007 hasn't aged particularly well so maybe

4 months ago

@the_gaming_dog12 spec ops the line's critics are a vocal minority in more elitist subsects. it's not unlike the reputation undertale has (granted it's not as popular). fallout 3 is generally beloved but seen as inferior to new vegas by most. odyssey has massive acclaim across the board

gta 3 and goldeneye i'm disqualifying solely because "aged poorly" complaints are generally misguided and less about a game's status and more just zoomers being dumb. this would be several times as long of a list otherwise
Can't argue with those points, you reckon you could explain why, for example, tales of arise is here?

4 months ago

@the_gaming_dog12 arise was hyped up at launch and now it's going through a lot of pushback - especially from series fans

4 months ago

half life 2's gotten pushback? i thought it was universally beloved still
Animal crossing new horizons, gimme the money

4 months ago

@apocynadeae my thought process was the increasingly more common opinion that it had a lot of boring downtime and hl1's better, but honestly, you're right. i'm gonna remove it

@the_gaming_dog12 good call actually. the lack of support + binge burnouts fucked that one so hard i had to think about whether or not it was always received that way

4 months ago

super smash bros brawl, bayonetta 2, maybe horizon forbidden west, and maybe deathloop?

4 months ago

Final Fantasy VIII or MGS 4 maybe? Neither are hated by any means but feelings on both within their respective series seem to be a lot more mixed now.

4 months ago

is borderlands a stand-in for the entire series, or was there specific borderlands 1 backlash?
Donkey Kong 64? Banjo tooie maybe too? (I've heard a lot of pushback on that one too, tho not as much as DK64)

4 months ago

@dishy wouldn't really agree with any of these. brawl received acclaim and if anything i think its consensus has only grown more positive since it's not the most recent game in the series anymore (ie no longer the "it's not melee!" punching bag). bayo 2's biggest critics exist in elitist subcommunities and horizon/deathloop both released to pretty little fanfare - lots of people bought them, but i feel the discourse surrounding both has been the same

@cosmokk ff8 if anything i feel has seen more of a resurgence lately for people praising its weirder, almost avant-garde aspects. i think mgs4 fits though. that shit released to almost nothing but 10s and now it's pretty divisive - good call
No more heroes 2 and Majoras Mask 3D may also fit

4 months ago

@averypaledog specifically 1. you might be able to make a case for the series at large but i'm pretty sure the latest games were mostly praised overall

4 months ago

had about a thousand mgs fans break down my door and threaten my life behind the scenes to remove mgs4 because of claims that the game was always equally controversial as it is now. i don't know if i buy that because i remember nothing but universal acclaim with the exception of some vocal minorities, but i also value my life. please comment what your experience with mgs4 was and it may be re-evaluated. thank you ~the management

4 months ago

Why is Secret of Mana on here?

4 months ago

I look forward to BOTW being on this list in a few or several years

4 months ago

omg who’s hating on hit and run?? tbh imo they should stfu !

4 months ago

Doom 3 just edges into this for me. Some reviewers noted its problems/missed potential while most others were in love with its presentation and cinematic approach to the IP. A decade later, people were tearing into the game as the harbinger of Quake 4 and other increasingly simplified graphics-over-gameplay FPSes (followed by Doom 2016 trying to break away from the trend). Maybe consider Virtua Fighter 3 as well. There's been a big upswing in Japanese fans' appreciation and adoption of the game, but it quickly got thrown aside in favor of VF2 and then the games after both despite an initially strong reception everywhere.

Seconding the vote for Donkey Kong 64. It definitely had its detractors at the time, but took 2 or 3 years to start becoming controversial (helped in part by Rare moving to Xbox).

4 months ago

ngl im hating on hit and run

4 months ago

you should make a list that's the exact opposite of this as it's even more common like how MGS2 was hated on release and is now regarded as one of the best games ever
True coquette hit and run is the goat

4 months ago

Good list. I think Pokemon XY might belong here, those games were really generally well-received when they released but nowadays I would say a lot of the fandom does not look at them positively. To a lesser degree Smash Ultimate is possibly an example too; people were absolutely over the moon with that game when it released, but it's largely fallen off in terms of popularity in recent years. Sonic Colours springs to mind as well

4 months ago

@mrhoodie its fans are primarily people who grew up with it. seemingly anyone else shits on it

@pasokondeacon doom 3 i need to look into a bit more for context but dk64 absolutely sounds fitting. thanks!

@therealbigc i think most of these are just cases of apathy. colors i vividly remember also being mixed on release

4 months ago

@therealbigc_ whoops missed the underscore

4 months ago

@chandler oh gotcha. I feel like I just never hear anyone talk about it in general tbh so I guess that makes sense. I feel like I hear more about the sequel than the original.

4 months ago

I for one vote Super Mario 64 be added

4 months ago

@froggi1337 definitely not lmao that's purely a contrarian take. mario 64 has not lost any legitimacy in public eye

4 months ago

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