misunderstood due to skill issues


whether it be due unconventional controls, confusingly explained mechanics, or the players' own incompetence - this is a selection of titles that alienated a solid chunk of people due to their own misunderstandings despite actually being pretty good

if you see a game here that you gave up on for one reason or another, give it another shot!

Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 6

bullets are to stun. covering/diving is for regaining stamina

Persona 3 FES
Persona 3 FES
my brother in christ you made the decision to let your party members act freely
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
if only i had some kind of "look ahead" button to prevent these offscreen deaths
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure
there's no point in explaining because these mfs will never learn

use the spindash
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure 2
fake hide n seek fans when a real radar comes thru

on a more serious note: this game is kinda designed for you to suck at it initially. it's not really a matter of control or camera problems. it's just different. this is a very floaty, fast-paced platformer which requires a different mindset than most others. and it's very gratifying to figure that out

yes - this applies to the mech stages too
just dodge

it doesn't matter that there's 5 helicopters after you when you're capable of knocking them out of the sky while moving
Dead Rising
Dead Rising
people who complain about the time limits despite the game literally continuing as a sandbox if you miss story events are do-not-interact tier

the same applies to anyone who thinks the controls are bad - moving and aiming is excessive when your enemies already trudge slower than molasses by default
The Last Guardian
The Last Guardian
i really love how trico actively fucks with you if you mistreat him

also this applies to all team ico games in one way or another. sotc has controversial controls for no justified reason, and ico's in a similar boat

intentionally cumbersome movement isn't jank
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider
the tank controls perfectly complement the more grounded and realistic take on platforming. it isn't mario (it's better)
Surgeon Simulator 2013
Surgeon Simulator 2013
the controls are deliberately quirky but it's completely playable once you get the hang of it

same applies to i am bread
Mega Man X6
Mega Man X6
yeah the stage design can be haphazard in places but who gives a shit when it's this fun to play? the weapons are great and nightmare effects are cool stage modifiers
Killzone 2
Killzone 2
there is absolutely nothing wrong with how this game controls
it's unfortunate that avgn misled a lot of people into believing this game was bullshit when it is in fact totally fair and really good
Nights Into Dreams...
Nights Into Dreams...
please read the manual
Vagrant Story
Vagrant Story
there's a good amount of menuing but it's pretty vastly overstated. initially daunting but plenty rewarding beyond the learning curve
Ninja Gaiden Black
Ninja Gaiden Black
this game would be made infinitely worse with a lock-on button
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy II
punching yourself is not an effective strategy. projared lied to you
Armored Core
Armored Core
"i can't believe this tank controls like a tank"
Bionic Commando
Bionic Commando
i do not in any way see how this game is janky. just learn the swing mechanic
i guarantee 90% of the people who don't like this game just straight up do not understand the tate system

in brief it works like this:

kill someone and your sword gets stronger. continue slicing through enemies quickly and you'll be able to finish everything onscreen with an instakill. this applies to bosses too

if that's not the sickest ninja shit then idk what is
Resonance of Fate
Resonance of Fate
the tutorial is right next to the starting area. it's a little daunting but it's very important and only takes about 15 minutes to fully digest

please do the tutorial
Chaos Legion
Chaos Legion
often gets a bad rap for being assumed to be a devil may cry knockoff and most people not caring to understand what it actually is (a strategy game with an action lead)

learn the difference between organic/metallic enemies and how to utilize the legion lock-on
The Last Remnant
The Last Remnant
ai tactics-based combat at its most hostile, but it's pretty cool once you actually get it!

also it doesn't help that the 360 version is 10x more brutal than the rereleases
enemies are not tanky or frustrating if you know what you're doing. grabbing literally instakills monsters
Armored Core V
Armored Core V
not the hecking ONE (1) additional damage type!!! or the tactical shooter elements!! as if they weren't in oldgen at all!!!
Super Pac-Man
Super Pac-Man
it's two new mechanics it's not that complicated
Altered Beast
Altered Beast
stop trying to move the camera with the right stick. you have a perfectly good l1 button that centers it for you

also pay attention to shadows on aerial enemies and don't bother killing enemies that aren't glowing gatekeepers
stop mashing the triggers

stop trying to sprayfire weapons while moving

you can disable automatic lock on

get good
Left Alive
Left Alive
harshly slammed for being a stealth game without stealth mechanics. it's not. it's a game where you run away from enemy fire like a coward and a damn good one at that
oh, you bri-ish?

Target Earth
Target Earth
take your time and don't play it like metal slug

also press start on the options screen whenever you have two lives left in order to get more continues
Vampire Rain: Altered Species
Vampire Rain: Altered Species
somehow i get the impression that i'm not supposed to be trying to shoot the vampires 99% of the time


2 years ago

(This is ofc leaving aside a whole other host of thoughts on the topic but it's a FIltered list so not like I'm gonna debate that lmao)

2 years ago

nah i'm not gonna argue in favor of discomfort. this is all purely either about not grasping mechanics or not seeing the value in unconventional design choices. like chaos legion for instance appears to have really spongy and cheap enemies if you don't understand what enemies are weak to and how to use your tools effectively. breakdown is borderline unplayable if you can't get the hang of melee attacking with lt/rt and directional inputs. stuff like that can come across as bad design to someone too lazy to learn the game's own rules

i hate bad controls as much as anyone, but i also believe there are many cases where they're just misused

2 years ago

even though Sonic CD was mentioned already, i still want to say Sonic 1 and CD due to players only aiming for a fast time instead of overall score and get confused or frustrated from the design choices of the game as a result. (if you have spare time on you, i think it'll be worth aiming to get as high a score possible you can get in those games since that's how i ended up appreciating them more)

2 years ago

Kirby as whole. (not even kidding)

2 years ago

Fair they don't really complain that much about God Hand. Carry on.

2 years ago

@7viix idk about that. i think most people rightfully don't give a shit about high scores unless there are ranking systems or leaderboards in place. i see the merit but i feel that's a lot more niche either way

@lpslucasps nah kirby requires pretty much zero brainpower and it's rightfully not for everyone. the closest thing to a filter is amazing mirror's structure and that's really pushing it

2 years ago

@bombad forgot to address but i'm holding off on adding the saga games till i can confirm if unlimited suits that placement

2 years ago

How about several?

The Umihara Kawase games - Yes, they're really hard, but they're definitely learnable. Learn how the fucking physics work and you'll get somewhere. The later entries also allow you to cast your lure diagonally upwards and downwards using the left and right shoulder/trigger buttons, respectively. Use that as well, it makes it way easier.

Lesser example, but any Puyo Puyo game - The game is all about large combos and planning ahead. Learn how to plan ahead better.

The Legend of Kage - Despite what a lot of people think, it controls fine. Just use a decent d-pad, or even better, a proper 8-way joystick. The game is built around the latter in mind and it really shows. And when you play it with a joystick, up being jump in this case makes a LOT of sense.

Syvalion - Ditto as above, but with a trackball. It suddenly made a lot more sense to me when I played it with a proper trackball.

The Fairyland Story - Might be biased on this one, as one of the biggest fans of the game. For starters, it's not a Bubble Bobble clone like a lot of people say it is. It literally came out a year BEFORE Bubble Bobble. It also plays more like a puzzle game, than an action platformer game like Bubble Bobble. People really don't get you're supposed to smash the enemies with the cakes by pushing them off the ledge or whatever, which is a HUGE part of the game, and is the basis of the scoring system. The game also (in a show, not tell way, in their defense) pushes you towards doing most of the important gameplay mechanics and strats within the first 15 or so levels of the game, when most don't play more than 5. I guaran-fucking-tee more people would like this game if they played more than 5 minutes of it in Taito Legends 2 or whatever.

2 years ago

@tremirodomi thanks for all the suggestions! i'll address each one individually:

umihara kawase: while i agree, i also don't think this game's really misunderstood at all. it's hard and there's a learning curve but i think everyone knows that pretty well

puyo puyo: pretty much the same as above. everyone i know who doesn't like puyo just doesn't like puzzle games in general and the latest entries explain their mechanics pretty blatantly

legend of kage & syvalion: i get where you're coming from here but i wouldn't really consider them fair inclusions since they have arcade versions which are the intended ways to play the game in addition to admittedly gimped console versions. kage on a dpad isn't the worst thing ever but it's sure as hell not optimal. thankfully with syvalion you can at least simulate the next best thing to a trackball via analog stick - marble madness is the same way

the fairyland story: i'm not saying you're wrong here, but can you vouch for this game's reputation? because i really don't see many people talking about it at all, and the ones who do seem to like the game overall. regardless, thanks for mentioning this one cause you encouraged me to give it a try just now and i like it quite a bit

2 years ago

UK/PP - Fair, I'm just tired of my friends complaining so hard about those games on stuff that's squarely their fault.

Kage - Also true. The reception on this game is mixed from what I've seen, though. Some like it, a lot fucking hate it for some reason, when I've researched the game. I'd imagine said gimped console ports didn't help, either. The NES port in particular blows. I've seen people completely diss the arcade version, too, when they clearly weren't playing it right.

Syvalion - Kinda ditto about this game, but it's more a side effect of trackball games in general now that I think about it, tbh. Most people not being able to setting it up properly and then getting mad at the game when it doesn't control right.

TFLS - Admittedly the tides are now kinda turning on this one in recent years (thanks to me and others, probably lol), but historically when it was brought up, it's usually dismissed as nothing special, and that Bubble Bobble is way better (I have some serious thoughts about that opinion, too, see my Backloggd review of BB on that). And then you see the gameplay footage of whatever reviewer that said that, and they're just spamming the magic on all the cakes, something you're only supposed to do when you got nothing else to kill that enemy with. It's incredibly deep and intricate for what it is, and you don't quite see all that if you're not a patient player.

That being said I can't think of any other examples atm. More will probably come to me.

2 years ago

Can I get a Nights Into Dreams

2 years ago

NiD is always dunked on cause the whole game is score-based and people just don't know how the scoring system works.

In fairness the game sucks at teaching it to you but the point remains, I've seen a lot of people (myself included) go from dismissing to loving it just after learning the rules and scoring tech

2 years ago

NiD is a GREAT example, how did I not think of that wtf

2 years ago

Also ty for giving TFLS a fair chance, it's real good

2 years ago

Nier: Gestalt should be here.

2 years ago

i literally had nights in a separate tab while making this and forgot to add it. thanks for the reminder

also no - i'm a huge fan of nier and drakengard but neither game takes hardly any amount of skill or even strategy. hating the series for its tedium is perfectly valid

2 years ago

I would put Vagrant Story here due to the creator intentionally wanting to make a hardcore gameplay experience.
Dead Rising

2 years ago

good calls on both of those

2 years ago

Reporting this list because it targets other users and is toxix
can we call these games grug-types

2 years ago

xenoblade 1 its not grindy you just have to complete some side quest

2 years ago

grug-type games list coming soon

2 years ago

i've never seen someone complain about grinding in xenoblade. hell in the time i spent playing it i kept my level as low as possible cause the game was too easy otherwise

2 years ago

how about early armored core

2 years ago

sure yeah

1 year ago

yakuza 3

1 year ago

nobody dislikes yakuza 3 for skill related reasons, and the most genuinely challenging aspect of monark is staying awake while playing it

1 year ago

Kid Icarus Uprising. Imagine not wanting carpal tunnel

1 year ago

StarFox Zero

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