remakes that can replace

"i'll wait for the remake" (see also: remakes that cause damage)

with the industry being so inundated with old ideas lately, there've been a lot of great games brushed to the side by casual audiences due to concerns of clunky and obtuse game design. i'm of the opinion that modernization is not automatically a good thing and that viewing game design through a strict lens of old vs new is an all-around bad idea

this list serves a twofold purpose: to assert that remakes are not replacements (by exclusion) and to also draw attention to the few remakes that you may actually want to prioritize over their original releases. this will include "enhanced ports" that make changes to graphics/gameplay

suggestions are welcome, but the criteria is going to be very strict

StarCraft: Remastered
StarCraft: Remastered
same game, at a higher resolution with the option to toggle hd assets on and off
Kowloon High-School Chronicle
Kowloon High-School Chronicle
you don't really have another way to play this game unless you speak japanese, but thankfully it's just the same thing as the ps2 version except in widescreen
Game & Watch Gallery 4
Game & Watch Gallery 4
you could argue that game & watch games can't be truly replicated without the actual hardware, but this is as close as you're ever gonna get

also just a great way to introduce someone to these games. being able to easily bounce between the modern and classic renditions is a really nice touch
ESP Ra.De. Psi
ESP Ra.De. Psi
catch-all for quite literally every shmup remaster that m2 has done. they're arguably the best in the industry
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
introduces the revolutionary feature of not bricking your console

(also an optional dungeon)
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection
true to the originals - arguably to a fault. the hd assets can also be disabled

gameplay is completely unaltered beyond being built for current hardware
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2
applies strictly to mm1-6 as well as 9 and 10. those games are presented in unaltered form with optional 'enhancements'. they also include time trials and other challenges

7 and 8 have various removals as well as increased input lag
Sega Ages Phantasy Star
Sega Ages Phantasy Star
applies to pretty much every sega ages version. offers modern qol without forcing it. optional automap and the like
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention
catch-all for disgaea 'complete' editions, besides 1, which changes the art direction
Castlevania Advance Collection
Castlevania Advance Collection
applies primarily to circle of the moon for giving the option to see which enemies drop cards

that alone would save most people from dropping it
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk DX
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk DX
catch-all for atelier dx/plus games besides rorona; they include previously released dlc and optional qol such as battle speedup
Tales of Graces f
Tales of Graces f
lol you probably didn't even know this was released on wii

one really good change to this version is that your console doesn't shut itself off when you begin a second playthrough
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
hd toggle
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - HD Edition
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - HD Edition
better framerate/controls; exact same game otherwise

worth noting that mgs2/3's ps2 rereleases add optional content and are the definitive versions of those games. not including them however because this list doesn't account for rereleases on the same console
Sonic the Fighters
Sonic the Fighters
hd version has online support, more playable characters and no input lag
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
includes the original game via classic mode and is highly customizable beyond that as well
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition
while there are issues with the - optional - "remastered" visuals/performance, the original experience is only improved by giving the player options to speed up combat and avoid battles

it's worth noting that in chrono cross you do not gain exp for battling. so there's no point in fighting the same enemies in the event that you get lost while backtracking

this isn't gonna matter to everyone, but it'll stop the less patient from dropping a great game
Hitman World of Assassination
Hitman World of Assassination
applies to hitman 2 and 3. hitman 1's content was trimmed
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
applies to desu2 record breaker as well. same game, more content
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
includes an optional dungeon and realizes the game in color

play the original only if you care about screen warp glitching or whatever
Grim Fandango Remastered
Grim Fandango Remastered
hd toggle + bonus content. optional point/click controls
Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
catch-all for dmc enhanced ports. same game, more content
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
applies to halo 1/2 specifically on the pc version. not sure if the xbox collection was fully patched

godsend of a port. hd toggle (keep it off) and online multiplayer are reason enough to never touch the originals again


3 months ago

you could probably include the atelier marie remake as it's mechanically identical while also including the original version (and also if you're including things like DMC special editions then you can include the DX/Plus of Gust's repertoire since they just add some QoL, all the DLC, and some graphical enhancements)

3 months ago

@apocynadeae was gonna add the dx/plus atelier releases but got sidetracked. will do that now. no-go on marie though - the remake is paid dlc + it opts for an ugly smoothing filter. would rather just play the fan translated version

3 months ago

the original is paid dlc*

3 months ago

oh actually i didnt notice it had a smoothing filter thats unfortunate

on a different aspect though i thought the valkyrie profile psp release was a bit weak? i think i remember hearing it had some sort of performance issues but its been a while

3 months ago

@apocynadeae thanks - upon further analysis you're right - i'm gonna go behead my friend who endorsed adding it so hard now

3 months ago

You should add the Mobile ports of Sonic 1 and 2 as well

3 months ago

@mrhoodie accounted for those in the sonic cd note. don't like doing more than one per series generally for the sake of clutter

3 months ago

Age of Empires II Definitive is essentially the old HD edition with higher quality assets with new content expansions and auto farm reseeding. (That last one makes the older ones hard to go back to by default)

3 months ago

gta definitive edition, the greatest remasters of our time

3 months ago

@chandler ah gotcha, that makes sense

3 months ago

This comment was deleted

3 months ago

Are we counting fan remasters as well or nah

3 months ago

@vee my stubborn ass prefers the original graphics too much so i'm inclined to decline

@mrhoodie leaning towards no but idk maybe. stuff like openrct def deserves acknowledgement

3 months ago

Also to note that Grim Fandango in the original version didn't have the mouse controls the remaster by Double Fine have, and instead controlled like the first Resident Evil games. That's why there is a achievement for beating the game with the tank controls.

3 months ago

Surprised original Resident Evil remake hasn't already been suggested.

3 months ago

Wonder Boy: Dragon's Trap has the "toggle to old graphics" button

3 months ago

I would put Dead Space. It is the original game with some quality of life improvements that blend so well I had to check if they were new from the original.

3 months ago

I haven't played it myself but from all accounts the 3DS remake of Ocarina of Time is the best way to play that game due to the inclusion of a few QoL features like better inventory management and an extra "here is where you should go next" cutscene in the famously-confusing water temple.

Not sure if you're drawing a line between remakes and remasters but Mass Effect Legendary and the Katamari Damacy remasters seem like good candidates as well.

3 months ago

@rogueliker good point. forgot about that cause it's been so long. added to the note!

@drax re1make does not apply. it is a completely different take on the original and it'd go against the MO of this list, which is to argue for acknowledging history rather than trying to replace it

@unaderon added, thanks!

@fallengrace very different game with very differently behaving ai due to very differently laid out stages. i wouldn't include it in any context. everything i've seen about it has just encouraged me to get the original instead

@cowboyjosh oot3ds is completely disqualified for its very different art direction. this list strictly includes games that offer zero reason to return to the original releases for any reason beyond like, preferring the controller or the way the screen looks on a handheld or whatever

3 months ago

forgot to add: mass effect legendary is a visual overhaul and katamari damacy reroll modifies its aesthetic for no discernible reason - also the controls are fucked up from what i've heard

3 months ago

I would add the call of duty modern warfare 1 and 2 remasters, as they keep the original art direction and generally just make the games feel smoother, though I must clarify I didn't play the multiplayer so idk how that fares.

3 months ago

Whether you are an AM2R or a Metroid: Samus Returns kind of guy, you can't deny that they both save you from the need of playing the original version of Metroid II which might as well be considered a form of torture

This also applies to Metroid: Zero Mission

3 months ago

Also worth noting Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, while I have mixed feelings towards it, I think it has done a great job in improving the public image of the game, making people actually realize it's a decent game that was held back by a weird job system

3 months ago

@kago nah. too different

@huntermask this list exists to discourage the exact arguments you're making

3 months ago

As someone who has a strong aversion to remakes, I figured I'd pitch in with the only one that's ever changed my perspective from "Remakes are useless," Spelunky HD (which is now in a weird name crisis with Spelunky Classic, since they're both technically named Spelunky).

Spelunky Classic feels like a demo or game jam game version of HD, mostly because some of Spelunky's most defining characteristics were implemented in HD, while the rest remains virtually identical; the hand drawn aesthetic, the soundtrack, multiplayer, and the secret 5th level. All of these don't really change the feel from Classic to HD, but seek to fulfill the originals vision better. The art direction is the same, its just in a hand drawn style instead of pixel art. The music isn't restricted to the original chiptune style, but was remade with actual instruments. The 5th secret level is additional content that wraps up the whole experience in a proper conclusion. It carries over the gameplay systems and original structure almost 1 to 1, while adding bug fixes and polish, which really leaves no reason to go back to Classic.

On the surface, they might seem vastly different, but as someone who has so many hours in Spelunky that I could recognize the same level generation in Spelunky Classic when I first played it, and pulled off the same movement tech. I would argue that it does follow the criteria of an "enhanced port" because the underlying game logic and aesthetic is the same.

This is definitely more substantial of a remake than the rest of the list, so maybe it doesn't fit the vibe of the list, but figured I'd mention it.

3 months ago

Ys 1+2 chronicles+, oath in felghana, and memories of celceta (begrudgingly)

3 months ago

@consciovs definitely not fitting of this, but thank you for bringing it to my attention regardless

@kinggarb hard no on all of these

3 months ago

might as well throw metal gear 1 and 2 on there. the port version of 2 especially plays faster than the msx2

3 months ago

there's quite a few engine tweaks in metal gear 1 actually, now that i think about it. i think the security cameras work differently... can you duck under them in the msx2? its funny that they kept the respawning items

3 months ago

thank you for defending the honour of pc-88 ys. the remake of 1 made me sad

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