Probably the best cod,that is not saying much tbh

Genre Killer

My hatred for this game is kinda personal because thanks to this garbage people who play pes stop playing and start playing fifa, this is what probably killed football videogames and started the ea lazy garbage,and that is sad because i loved pes and even some fifa too (13,17) but because pes didn't try, EA got comfortable and start putting the same fucking game every year.

Pes 2014 is a disaster on every single possible front,every thing that a football game want to be this lack.The graphics are trash,the gameplay is really boring and robotic (is weird because the game previous to this pes 2013 is probably the best football game ever and it has the best gameplay out of all of them) and the gamemodes are basic af.The only decent thing that this game has is the online,which is the same from 2013 (which is good because that game has the best online out of all football games)

This game is what killed pes because every game after this they werent doing what we want (gamemodes) and they started to ripoff the garbage mode that is ultimate team and ONLY "improve" gameplay for 6 years until pes 2020 came out,and even then the gamemodes improvents were fairly small.

This game is the definition of a genre killer

EDit:this review should go to fallout 76,i was a little to harsh on this

Franchise killer

Wow this horrible i am so disappointed after loving fallout 3,2 and new vegas SO MUCH i consider fallout new vegas my second favorite game ever and 2 a 10/10,but this garbage take out everything that make that game good,and replace it with nothing.

I think they,no joke,take out 20 mechanics from new vegas and put like 5 new or at least that how it feels because this game is so empty in every aspect,the world is boring and empty,the missions are repetitive and are like 5 types of missions,the story and characters are trash af,the s.p.e.c.i.a.l sistem that replaced skills is garbage,the shooting mechanics are mediocre and the only reason this game gives me for playing it is because is a fallout game at least on the looks.

The only reason im not given this a lower score is because the graphics looks nice and because it has the really good looking fallout aesthetics.

Maybe for some people this game didn't kill fallout,but,if this is the way that the fallout franchise is gonna go,then this franchise is dead in my eyes.

The definition of a waste of time

the game is just flawed on it's bases so hard that no matter how many things they add (car,clothes,etc) the game is just flawed fundamentally and deserves the half star,I have a lot of nostalgia for this game and i still think is garbage and a giant waste of time,the only good things are that it has amazing personalization and it has the community made activities (im not counting things that already come with gta 5).

A overrated stepdown from the first one

This game is literally a stepdown on every single aspect from the original.The story is worse,the characters feel less interesting major villains just die out of nowhere and i it just feels really dissapointing. And judging it on its own its pretty decent but is really overrated and it feels incomplete.

Multiplayer Perfection
This multiplayer game has no flaws (apart from the bots and some balancing issues).
I remember when i was a kid i used to imagine a perfect fps game (yes i did that) i used to think something like "imagine being invisible and being able to use customes on a multiplayer game" or "imagine being launched in the air and raining rockets on the enemies" years later and here i have it in my face the game i always wanted.Apart from the perfect gameplay the community is probably my favorite community out of any game i have ever played and this game wouldn't be at all the same without it.This is the game i always dream of and it exist.

It has the best story and characters out of all the persona games but it has the worst gampelay by far.

My first dark souls game,i didn't make a good impresion at all,this game barely has story and the gameplay isn't that deep as people make it out to be,the biggest appeal of this game i guess is the difficulty,but because you are making your game hard doesn't mean you are making it fun or interesting.this game is just boring and pretentious,it doesn't have one thing that i think is really good.i am hoping that the other souls games aren't as uninteresting and repetitive as this one.

The single most overrated game of all time.its a average puzzle game,with below average story and there are barely characters

Apart from the engine/graphics there is nothing special about this game (maybe the phys gun,but its good thank to the graphics/engine)

being honest the campaign sucks,but that ain't what i am searching in a battlefield.
A good battlefield needs good multiplayer (good maps,server with good connection),good graphics,good gameplay and being balanced,this game does 3 of those,not all of them because is unbalanced as hell.It isn't a 8 because the community is just so toxic.

Dissapointing game that destroyed the amazing build up and the best things from the previous games

i play the remaster but apart from the graphics and some bug fixes i dont think there is anything new that is too important,i play in nightmare difficulty (i choose the nightmare difficulty and not the normal like in the other games since the bonus that they give me from the previous game made this game a joke on that difficulty and to have a tougher time in combat since its one of the few things this game has going for)and i play sentinel class,a lot of the things i say aren't for every playthrough i since i play with a certain playstyle and story decisions that may be different from your playstyle and story decisions,for reference i gave the first game a 3,5(a strong 7/10) and the second one a 4,5 (a decent to strong 9),im taking into account dlc since is one of the few good things this game has and also spoilers.this is the second time i write this,i was about to end it and fucking windows update comes in out of nowhere and restart my computer and i losed i the 4 hours of work that i have put to this review,all for an update that wont change anything and now i dont remember anything that i've put so i have to put another 4 fucking hours,thanks microsoft super useful feature.

THE POSITIVE:Even though i really dislike this game it still has some positives like:

THE GAMEPLAY:This is by far the best thing this game has going for:

The Gunplay:Its a massive step up from the second one.,it feels really good to shoot enemies and in this game since you have way better and mobile movement you can have a lot more fun and diverse with your gameplay,you can also makes so pretty fun combos with the guns and the biotics.

The Biotics:Is more refined that in the previous game,so pretty good,you have way more choice in how you wanna develp the skill and you companion have more diverse skills that in the previous game.

The Movement:The best aspect from the game,the difference between the previous game and this one in movement is gigantic.They give you a roll that even though is simple it let's you be a lot more versatile and mobile it let you do things like go between cover,dodge biotics and physical attacks,it lets you run quicker from grenades,and many more.every single aspect of the movement is improved it feels really smooth to play.

The Rpg Mechanics:Better than the first since you get 3 choices of path to go with instead of just 1.the biggest problem with the rpg mechanics in my playtrough is that the bonus form importing a character from the previous mass effects its so big that i haved to play the game in nightmare for it to be fair,the weight mechanic is decent at balance the hybrid class and make biotics only to be more viable.

THE DLC:With the gameplay by far the best aspect of this game,i shouldn't count the dlc in this review as i did with the previous games but the dlc's on this one are really good.

THE ENDING:I actually liked the ending to comparions with everything else in the game (the ending is like a 6/10 but in this game that is a bleesing).is decent since it feels fairly epic and it opens up posibilites for a completly different story while also being in the mass effect universe,it's not at all perfect but for this game is really good.

SIDE CONTENT:Its not as good as mass effect 2 but it still pretty decent and quite a bit things to do,there is no a whole lot of variety in the mission but it will give you a decent amount of hours of gameplay.

THE NEGATIVE:This game has some of the worst writing,character conclutions,new characters,villains,dialogue and decision making i have ever seen in a videogame

STORY AND WRITING:The story is a mess,is full of plot holes,full of generic tropes,and the writing is just as bad the dialogue is some of the most unnatural and basic i have ever seen it really appears that a monkey writing it (once in a blue moon there are some decent written moments but they are really few and far between),

CHARACTERS:With the writing and the story this is one of the worst aspects of the game.and literally instead of giving every character they own ending at the end of the game the ones in you party will die and they do not get mention it or get a conclution to their story,great gob bioware,character in this game do not have loyalty missions so they have less depht,

New Characters:Except from javik they all suck,they really few though only 3

Edi:she is a glorified legion,she has slightly more screentime but in that time we
dont learn a lot of things about her since she doesn't have a personality.

James:He is just another soldier boring ass character,nothing else to say

Javik:by far the best new character,he is legion but done right since he still represents their race but this time he has a personality,of a soldier.the biggest problem of legion is that he doesn't have a personality and the biggest problem with soldier characters is that they doesn't have nothing interesting to add to the story,javik resolves both problems by unite them into one character since you get the view of a prothean and some personality to go with it.

Old Characters:Their conclutions are extremely unsatisfying.for the most part.i didn't find a lot of the previous game squadmates so i will be only talking about the ones i find.

Ashley:she is the same shitty character as always,BUT,this time you can kill her and i didn't doubt it even a second (in the first game i accidently was in a relationship with her,and now in the third not only i didn't go to visit her to the hospital but i kill her too).

Garrus:Like in the second game he is barely explored,but this time he doesn't even have that loyalty mission,the only thing to kinda replace that is the dynamic of his planet dying but for me it just doesn't feel that personal or that i learn anything new about him and that is pretty sad since i think he is one of the characters that has more potential in the whole franchise.

Jack:i saw her for 40 seconds and he appear as a NORMAL ENEMY AND THE DIALOGUE LASTED LIKE 10 SECONDS,i didn't like her at all,in fact i think she is the worst squadmate in the whole franchise but that is basically an insult to any character on any franchise.

Miranda:He doesn't have much screentime,and i really have nothing really positive to say about her appereance in the game,she gets killed by a terrible written villain and she kills her father,everything happens so fast that it feels really forced,you could say this about everything in the game really.

Thane:my favorite character from the franchise,even though i like his relationship with his son in this game even if it is flawed and thane is kinda a bad father i still like it because they care about eachother and it feels realistic,the problem is that his resolution is tied to one of the worst villains i ever seen,kai leng,it feels unsatysfing,i really like that you can make a funeral and that kinda brings a closure to thane and his son,it still doesn't make up for his death.

Wrex:He brings a good appearnce much like on the other 2 games,but in this one he plays a vital factor as the leader and representitive of the krogan,he is as charismatic and funny as always.

Mordin:my second favorite character in the franchise,I actually like his resoluton even though he dies as nearly every other character,he actually has a good ending since he sacrifices himself from a struggle he had since the second game and it feels natural,i loved that he singed the song when it was his final moments it was a really good callback to the previous game.

Legion:He becomes better than in the last,though is still mediocre,it's purpose on the story is to represent legion interests and to make them free and eventually destroying a lot of quarians ships,his resolution is that he saves his race and 'exctint' the quarians and then dies,it doesn't make sense to me that they go exctint since there are a lot of quarians that weren't in the ships did i miss something because when i choose geth over quarians i dindn't know they were going exctint since it doesn't make sense

Tali:She doesn't have an important appereance until rannoch,were after a fight with the reapers legion says that he will end the war by improving the geth,and if the quarians dont retreat they will kill them,tali for some reason doesn't kill legion even if he saying that millions of quarians will die,and after seeing lot of her people dying she kills herself that's her resolution,yeah and i was her boyfriend,so i dont only let legion kills millions of them (because i didn't know that they will go exctint) for my fault she kills herself,thats kinda fucked up,and after this trilogy i still think she is the best female character even though she is just good.

Character Resolutions:This is one of the worst parts of the game,the only conclution they know to do is kill the character and it doesn't work a single time (with mordin death is argueable)the character conclutions are so unsatisfying that to be honest i prefer that they wouldn't come back from the last game,JACK IN MY PLAYTROUGH LITERALLY DIED IN 5 SECONDS SHE WAS A NORMAL ENEMY (i never liked jack,but still you should never kill a character that you put so much time in the previous game in 5 seconds).

VIllains:They are so bad because they barely have any charm or we know anything about them take for example kai leng,he barely has presence,we know nothing about them,he kills characters in an unsatisfying way and when he died i care so little about him that i literally feel nothing and since this game has so little nuance the chances that i will have to empatize with a villain like the illusive man it's dead on arrival since the game screams me in the face a thousands time that he is the bad guy and that goes to nearly all the villains in the game.

DIALOGUE SYSTEM:The dialogue system is incredibly dumb down from the previous game since instead of getting 3 nuance options of dialogue and nearly always more than one information option,now you get two options that are paragon and renegade and have absolutly no nuance and now you rarely get information options.except from the decisions that change the story in a big way there is barely decision making in the dialogue or anywhere on this game to be honest

MISSIONS:They are way to repetitive and if not for the combat it will be insufferable,you get some decent variety on side missions but on priority missions all the battles feel the same.

PACING:This is some of the worst pacing i have ever seen,Everything just goes way to fast and feels forced,they wanted to end every lose end of the previous games on this one and it just make it as it everything feels rushed.

The biggest strenght of the game is the gameplay that in this type of game it isn't that important and in all the others important aspects on the game they fail miserable like,the characters:oh no i am gonna die,that is the resolution to nearly all the characters in the game and that is sad since they had a lot more posibilites that were more interesting that just dying,the pace is terrible since things happen way to fast,the dialogue is really dumb down and little naunced,the missions are repetitive,the story is bad on every aspect,the writing is some of the most unnatural things i ever seen and it feels really rushed.

This game is everything i didn't want it to be,i excepted a game that will take his time but knows when do give progress in the story,this game never takes it's time and it's just a dont stop shitshow,that i think is the fatal flaw of this game appart from bad story/writing it never takes it's time to build anything,so nothing he builds is insteresting,nuanced or fun,this game was a massive dread for me,it did basically everything wrong and was really boring that is why it deserves this score:

Half star (edit),the more i think about it the more i despise this game

Since this is the last game of the trilogy i will be putting a rank list of the characters and games

19:jack:she is an insuferablle overly edgy annoying ass character that has nothing interesting
18:ashley:she is a boring soldier character but she is racist,wow what an addition

17:zaeed:i forgot this character exist,he is another soldier character
16:alenko:i have nothing to say about him
15:james:he is your average soldier character,but he has a little more charisma i guess

14:legion he is a robot with no personality,he has a couple of decent lines and isn't annoying
13:SID:she is legion with more screentime
12:Jacob:he is your average soldier character,but he has a really good loyalty mission
11:Kasumi:she is really forgetabble but she has an AMAZING loyalty mission
10:Samara:she has a decent potential but she doesn't get much screentime
9:Liara:she is really boring but she has a lot of presence and screentime
8:Miranda:she isn't to special or interesting but she has a sweet realtionship with her sister

7:Grunt:he is likeable and has some lines that are pretty funny,i like that he isn't a real krogan
6:Tali:the best female on the franchise,she is likeable and has a really good loyalty mission

Really good:Top 5
5:Javik:He is legion and a soldier character,but good
4:Garrus:he isn't to special but he is likeable and iconic

Godly:top 3
Wrex:he is the best bro/friend in the franchise,he is just so likeable and loveable.

Mordin:i nearly put him on number 1 but i think he is just a tiny bit slightly worst than thane,mordin is the most complex character in the franchise since he is the scientist that made the genophage and is sure that what he made is right but at the course of time his opinion changed and in mass effect 3 he regret what he have done and sacrifices himself to cure it,he is one of the characters with most dialogue and this is noticeable since he has just so many funny and iconic lines

Thane:i think he is the best companion in the game since he is a complex character like mordin thank to his relationship with his son and his disease:he left his son when he was younger and now he suffers form a disease,when he notices that his son is going to assasinate a person he stops him since he doesn't want him to be like he was,even though he isn't a good father at all he still loved his son and when he died his son that hate thane made a funeral to conmemorate him since after he meets him in the loyal mission he considers him his fathers and loves him,really beatiful stuff.

Top 3 of the games
3:mass effect 3
2:mass effect 1
1:mass effect 2

𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥 𝙪𝙥 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙯𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚

i play the remaster but apart from the graphics and some bug fixes i dont think there is anything new that is too important.I play sentinel and i play on normal difficulty,a lot of the things i say aren't for every playthrough is because since i play with a certain playstyle and story decisions that may be different from your playstyle and story decisions.for reference i gave the first game a 3,5(a strong 7/10),i am not taking into account dlc/extra characters (zaed and kuzumi, she has one of the best loyalty missions though) and i will be comparing this game to the first one many times in this review to say how much .also spoilers

I think that the gameplay of this game is way worse than the first one (i loved the gameplay of the first one) but it is still decent.

The GunPlay:there isn't as much times when you switch weapons and if you do is because you dont have ammo on the weapon you are using and are forced to switch this makes the best part of the gameplay of the first one gone,i dont think that getting rid of the overheating was a good idea since that mechanic was so unique and added another layer of skill of knowing when to shot and when to wait for the gun to get less heated (this also made that you wouldn't be able to shoot 12 rounds of the sniper rifle in 2 seconds),the gunplay on this game feels a lot more generic than the first one.This game is way better balanced though since the class that you choose will have limited weapons until you get to half of the game and they give you the choice of being able to use shotguns,assault rifle or sniper rifle (i choose the sniper rifle).

The Biotics:I think they are slightly worse than the first one but is still really good and i think is more fun than the gunplay in this game.I think that in this game the biotics aren't a accompaniment to the gunplay like in the first one but they are more standalone,in this game i feel that you can have a biotic only playthrough and it will be just as fun as a biotic/gun playthrough.

The story on this game is way better than the first one on basically every aspect.

It has way better writing,structure and memorable/epic moments,it also has a lot of character reapiring from the first game and nearly all of them make sense, the story also expands the universe a lot.The biggest problem with the story is that it doesn't really have villain with personality or being interessting (and no the ilusive man is not a villain or antagonist (you could say the reapers are the villains but they dont have really a goal or reason to do what they are doing or a personality trait since they are hive mind like the geth).

This is imo the most important part in this kind of story/game and this is where the first game have fallen the most short for me,and this game kinda resolves that.

Male Characters:
Jacob:he is decent,he is pretty believable and his loyalty missions has to have my favorite ending out of all of them, giving his gun to his coward father not to defend himself against the people that were going to kill him,but to kill himself and that is what his father does.

Garrus:Wasted Potential,they did a really good setup that he is leader that was betrayed and now wants revenge,but after his loyalty mission (that is pretty good specially the ending)they do nothing with him,he barely has screentime and he is the member of the team with the least conversations.

Grunt:He is decent,i like that he isn't a real krogan that adds a pretty interesting dynamic,his loyalty mission is decent but it barely has story.

Legion:He is a robot but i am putting it here,i dont have a lot to say about legion since he really doesn't have a personality since he is a geth and geth are a hivemind,his loyalty mission has a decent moral decision but nothing out of the ordinary for this game.

Mordin:I think he is my second favorite from the game,his morality is grey since he is spreading a virus that makes krogan have 1 in 1000 chances of a baby actually breing born but he does this with a good intention of stopping war,and we see this explored in his loyalty mission with his protege that feels guilt of helping spreading a virus that is making so much krogan die,so he tries to develop a cure and he is really close of doing it until mordin cames and stops him,mordin tries to kill him but i choose to let maelon live (i think that maelon is a pretty good character that has a dynamic with mordin that helps develop his character).

Thane:He is my favorite character in the game,he is a really likeable character while being grey morality such as mordin since he is an assasin that used children to spy on his victims but he still only does it as a job and he still shows heart with his son and when they kill his wife.i find his character just slightly more interesting than mordin while also being cool af,i like how much dialogue he has at least in my experience, he is the character with most dialogue in the game and it's worth it since every conversation feels rewarding since you learn something new about him every time,and his loyalty mission is pretty sweet being about his relationshiop with his son and how he doesn't want him to go the same path as him.

Female Characters:i think female characters in this game (and in mass effect 1) have way less personality and are less interesting than male characters (specially miranda and jack i really dislike them both)

Jack:My least favorite character in the game (yeah i prefer a robot with no personality over her),she is just so unlikeable,annoying and overly edgy,she has basically no personality appart from being edgy (i know that she was in a horrible place her whole life but still she so annoying),her loyalty missions is just the same for her character we dont learn anything new about her that doesn't make her more unlikeable or annoying.

Miranda:I really dont care about this characte, she has nothing remarkable about her personality,she was perfectly created to be perfect there you have the character,i like her loyalty mission though is pretty sweet.

Samara:She is decent again not a lot to say about her but she has a lot of interesting things to say or that happened to her,her loyalty mission is one of the more interesting of the game since you can killed her and replace her with her daughter (i didn't do that).

Tali:In my opinion the best female character in the game,she is just a likeable and sweet character (she is imo the only good romance option),and her loyalty mission is one of my favorites since the final moral decision is actually really impactful and will change your relationship with her (i think) and the mission itself is pretty sad but also interesting.

My only really big problem about the characters in general is that they don't have a conclusion apart form the loyalty mission (thane for example have a desiase and that never comes back again).

Infintely better than the first one.

The missions have a lot variety including side missions specially with loyalty missions and they are a lot more interesting.They most of the time have way better narraitive than the missions/side missions from the first one.

Theres so much more interesting side content to do since the side missions arent just go to point a to b from b to c and from c to a.

The ambition from the first one seems much more realized on this game since is twice as long and this gives way more time to develop the characters and the plot it makes so i have time to attached to a character.The pacing improved since the game is longer and it gives the player more time to stomach it and understand what happened and its consequences this is a big improvement from the first game since in the first one everything on the last third of the game happens way to fast and it doesn't give you enought time to stomach it.


This game just does so much right,it has nearly everything i want from this type of game,but it does have some errors/characters badly written (jack,legion and miranda) and it needs more time to give the characters a good conclusion to their story. it improves the universe from this franchise in a massive way too.

Decent To Strong 9

Amazing gameplay,Decent story and Way too short for how many things they wanna put

I play the remaster but for what i've seen apart from the graphics and the car controls,not a lot has changed.i play vanguard class and i am judging this game on its own,i am not taking in consideration mass effect 2 and 3.and spoilers from this game.

I love the combat of this game, even if it is unbalanced, because with the guns it encourage you to use multiple guns because you always have the 4 with you (sniper,shotgun,assault rifle and pistol) and you have infinite ammo,i find myself changing weapon really frequently,and i love that because you never get bored of using the same weapon and it makes from some really rewarding gameplay,the only bad things i find on the gun play is that the pistol kinda doesn't have a purpose and that the assault rifle can become really broken when you get a really good one,since you have the same dps that a shotgun with the range of a pistol and you can fire without stoping for like 10 seconds,this thing basically becomes a laser beam.I love the biotics too, not only they are a really good suplement for the gun play,they can become really strategic with for example adrenaline rush,they can make sick combos too like using singularity and throwing bombs.

The rpg mechanics of this game even if simple they are very effective at puting you at a certain role specifically at the start of the game when you choose a class it will really affect gameplay and i really like this so shepard cant be op at everything.

Basically i love the gameplay of this game,is probably some of the best rpg gameplay i've played.

This is were the game kinda falls short for me.The story is just your generic Sci-Fi story,it's not bad but is only decent.

The characters (more specifically from you squad) i mostly dont care about except for Wrex and Garrus,the others one are,

Alenko i dont feel nothing for this character,

Williams your generic strong military female character you seen a thousand times this time is racist (she literally say the other races are like dogs to her) and treats other people like shit if you couldn't tell i dont like this character at all she is just so unlikeable and the game treats her like I care about her no bioware i dont care if she dies or not,

Tali your average quirky mechanic character with strong family bonds and she has like 40 minutes of character presentation and dialogue she will really benefit of more screentime and character development she is the best female character in your squad by a long shot though because the other two ones are just so bad

Liara she is just soooo boring she was right when she say she wasn't interesting,i barely got things to say about her because her only real personality is that she is a geologist and that barely gets expand upon.

the two characters i actually like Wrex and Garrus these two i actually like because they arent just your average sci-fi character they are more unique and interesting and i actually will care if they die,

Wrex for example has a crysis because he can save his race if he lets saren use the cure,but if he lets this happen saren will just use krogan as a tool the player here has two options kill wrex or convice him,if you choice to convice him he realizes that saren will just use them as a tool and thanks shepard for making him enter in reason,if you choose to kill him he dies shoker i know.

Garrus is just a good character not the most unique but he is likeable

The missions are kind of repetitive but the combat and cutscenes make for it,that isn't the case for side missions that 99% of the time are go to point a to b from b to c and come back from point c to point a and most of the time they dont have combat.

The end of the game is kinda abrupt since nothing feels like a finale not the story,the final bossfight,heck i wasn't even max level when i go to the final mission (level 42) and everything was just so easy for a final level/bossfight,the only thing that feels like a finale from this last missions is the credits song that song really feels like a finale and its a banger.

All of these problems comes from the fact that this game without doing nearly any side missions last me 15 hours,that is extremely short for an rpg with this ambition,the run time makes that we barely know this story and specially these characters that some like tali had like 40 minutes character presententation,develompent and dialogue in the whole fricking game a MAIN CHARACTER HAS 40 MINUTES IN TOTAL OF SCREEN TIME (at least it feel like that),the other content that this game has to offer that make the game longer is the side missions that suck,this game will really benefit of more run time.

Basically the story is ok,the characters are mostly generic,the missions are decent and the game is too short.

So,basically i think that this game has good potential and amazing gameplay but is kinda ruined because of the runtime.

Light 7

This is my first really long review so if you see some spelling errors i try to correct them next time.

With a friend this is the most fun game ever.This game is top 3 footbal games ever with pes 2013 and pes 6 being the other two,amazing game