1712 Reviews liked by cowboyjosh

I mean this is just pleasant. Very polished, very well designed, and while it doesn't do anything crazy cool or groundbreaking it just succeeds as a standout arcade platformer in a sea of so many. Very happy I finally got around to this, it's just a blast, even if it's fucking hard as shit.

The vibes are immaculate, I have to give it that. The narrative and aesthetic are pretty enjoyable despite the rushed ending. But the main problem I have with this is just the meander feeling that this game has. While I love how expressive the character's dialogue can be, it tends to mask a lot of hints or just takes its place entirely, making me just be completely lost super easily and a lot of puzzles involving a lot of running around get confusing really quick because of this. A lot of the puzzles make sense on paper, which is rare for an adventure game like this, but the way it's executed just kinda leaves a lot of matches really hazy. This game needed a bit more for me, but I'm sure it's clear by now that I'm a dumbass and most people have a lot more fun with this game, so definitely take it on if you're up for it, you'll at least enjoy the visuals and the fun story, guaranteed.

It's clear that we've moved on from this. Meta-narratives that make the game "sentient" and talk directly to the player have been a trope of the indie dev scene for a short period of time, under a decade. It was run into the ground mostly because of how popular and ever-present the youtube let's play scene was, and this kind of story was perfect for reaction content with a demographic of teenagers and young adults. None were like Stanley Parable though, for better or for worse.

So when a sequel for a game that criticized the monotony of desk jobs and the false sense of choice we have in our lives was announced, people were pretty skeptical. I mean I wasn't, I had faith, but this could easily be not good. We've moved on, new content doesn't seem as new or exciting as a concept because of this culture we left behind. But oh did they know. They knew exactly what we were doing.

The idea of sequels has been severely tainted by American entertainment. They are cash-grabs, sell-outs, rehashes, and they only serve the purpose to milk as much money out of a successful franchise as possible. The cynical fuckers over at Crows Crows Crows introduce you to "new content" with a door that says "new content", until later when it says "new, new content" with a flashy neon sign. Through constant convoluted mechanics that don't do anything, and long one-sided conversations with the narrator, you get more of the different same. The pressure of pleasing everyone around you, the weight of a legacy holding creativity down, the public outcry determining what you make next, and the sad truth that no, this isn't a "good" sequel, all comes together to make me breathe out of my nose a bit and think on how I go about creating. It doesn't matter, really.

i will never understand the appeal of this game and i doubt i ever will

absolutely worthy remake and sequel of the original in every way. the original has not aged a day and this revisit makes it even more relevant to today's industry. shoutout to the bucket fr fr

Ridiculously addictive, so I think it probably feels better than it actually is. Very, very simple combat, but with a gameplay loop that gives you just enough reward to keep you coming back for more. Great music, and incredibly addicting. A very easy way to burn some time.

A simple but quite fun game with a cute artstyle.

A very charming game that really invests you into the relationship between two strangers. Rich Sommer and Cissy Jones do a great job selling that dynamic. The main story has its ups and downs but the core of the game is the interpersonal dynamic. Simple gameplay but very compelling dialogue. A great game.

An incredibly hilarious, subversive, and intelligent game with just excellent writing. I didn't play the original game, but even the content that I think is new is fantastic. A very simple game, and maybe it's not for everyone, but it is for me.

This game's impact on the gaming scene is undeniable and the series is rightfully an all-times classic. Portal and Portal 2 are a must-have in every game enthusiast's collection.

It has been a while since I beat this game, but I have really fond memories of it. It is a shooter game that doesn't take itself too seriously (which is something not very common, in my opinion). The mechanics in this game are really fun and satisfying and the game is totally worth a play if you enjoy FPS games.



A game built on knowledge - every piece recontextualizing the game world and making you question what's a flower and what's a hidden treasure.

This game offered plenty of new things I haven't seen before, which is hard to do after 30+ years of gaming. And while I did truly value every epiphany the game drew out of me, a certain mechanic started to grow a bit old towards the end. And the game asks the player to work just a bit too much.

I will admit I don't understand the GOTY aspirations this title seems to inspire, but it's a fun little game.

Once you solve a few different builds, the game essentially plays itself, compounding into a cacophony of lights and sounds. It makes you feel a little bubbly, but it mainly succeeds at being a convenient time-killer.

Fell off my horse and started coughing up blood this game is so good.