Don't play Resident Sleeper or Silent mid.

Play this peak instead

A good start for the dead space duoligy. Good horror the monsters are gross to look at and the gameplay in general was pre good. good start for the franchise.

It's sad to say but this isn't an improvement. DOOM 2016 did everything better. Combat puzzles are not fun and this shithole has a swimming section for some reason.
Never playing the dlc

Fuck this game


The best DOOM game. You can play how you want and you don't get punished for using the fun weapons!

the shotgun feels ass to shoot

Amazing. Love this game to death has everything doom 2016 did right in good ol og doom era

valve once again steps up, drops a 10/10 game then disappears

The best games anyone can buy. if these arnt in your steam library close your account <3

Rockstar knows how to write stories and good characters

need a new game set it vice city

My first gta. I had a not so legal copy of the game when I was 7. Therefore my game couldnt save. So all I would do is dick around with the trains and cheat codes and trying to follow the 'N" on the rader not knowing it meant north.

game went hard. Zombies was ok, MP finally felt fun and campaign had a non binary gender option (peak)

The 2nd best "recent" cod game. The new engine has super sprinting which feels amazing. if only there were more than 4 good maps.