5/10 with randoms, 9/10 with friends. This game is stupid as hell, actually scary sometimes, and a lot of fun.

Jesus this game is amazing. You can mod it to hell or play it to the ends of time. I have so much time sinked in this game in every version, with and without mods.

Really great! A classic for a reason, and a series starter for sure. I reccomend taking half an afternoon to finish this one.

Upon replay, it's still a lot of fun, but you have to get past the jank and bad physics to get anywhere with it. And screw the Shadow Mario chase missions, those are just actual padding and not fun at all.

I spent 70 hours doing side quests, then I finished the story and found out this is the best game ever made.

Great game! I'd wholeheartedly recommend this game, as even though its from 1987, its really stands up... if you're using a guide. If you want the OG experience just use the manual and find a few tips online. If you want a quick and fun experience, find a walkthrough or at least a map.

There's a fun game with awesome combat underneath all the unfair tricks of NES era games.

Combat encounters are insufferable in the late game. Exploration is really punishing as a result, despite that being the one of main selling points of the game. On the other hand, boss fights and dungeon crawling are actually pretty fun and you can see the later Zelda game DNA in that.

Fetch quests and hints are really obtuse and hard to understand. For one quest you have to look for a mirror, which is found by stabbing under a table in the same town as the quest giver. This mechanic is never repeated anywhere else in the game.

Out of all Zelda games, this one is most in need of a remake. Only play this game with a guide, a rewind function, or hack to make the game easier.

Pick and choose which servers you want to hang out on, and be cautious playing the Valve supported servers.

A classic that I had a lot of fun with, but I cannot in good faith recommend this game. Beating Dracula alone will drive you mad.

Cave exploration is a ton of fun, but its a shame the above ground areas are an afterthought as a result

Might be the first time I ever played something before it got super popular.

And I think it really deserves it! This game is stellar co-op horror, and as bare as this early release is, I only look forward to this game's future.

The most negative thing I can say it is it has to compare itself to Super Mario Galaxy.

Best traditional Zelda game and its not even close.

Not the flashiest Zelda, or the most cinematic, its not a masterpiece and its not quite a classic. But I think its the most pure puzzle focused fun Zelda game I've played.

The Temple of the Ocean King is not that bad. The boat is about equally as good as the train from Spirit Tracks. And this game really makes me love the Nintendo DS touchscreen and all the neat mechanics it could do.

This game takes a lot of great steps forward from Phantom Hourglass, but it trips over itself at the same time. The music is incredible, the dungeons are fun, and controlling Zelda alongside Link makes great puzzles and fights. I particularly like the story here, simple and effective, but it focuses mainly on the characters, and especially the wonderful relationship between Zelda and Link.

Personally, the Spirit Train is a little more fun than the S.S. Linebeck in Phantom Hourglass, but halfway through the game it feels too slow. All the microphone related mechanics put way too much faith in it working properly, and rather than being a fun gimmick like the touch controls and map, it comes out annoying or frustrating at times.

The final boss fight was a mixed bag, it starts and ends really great but the middle sections frustrated me. Beyond all my gripes with the game as a modern player and playing this as a kid, I really recommend at least trying this game out, especially to those new to Zelda or video games as a medium.