A small heavily Outrun inspired racing game I got on the cheap. You'll spend a lot of time early on grinding upgrades for your car, and mechanics are simple, but a lot of care was put into this game. Raced every track and had a great time.

First off, it's weird finishing a game to see a few people you know in the credits. Anyway, a great little game about finding a place to belong when bringing new age queerness to old fashioned Ireland. I admit, I got a little teary at the end.

Specifically the XBLA port on its own. Terrible port, full of slowdown and pixel smoothing, which for a game like Metal Slug should be a crime. Fantastic game though, as long as you have unlimited continues.

A shortish, low stakes JRPG in which you craft some stuff and fight in a very familiar yet very unique combat system. Combat can be very difficult and it’s better to play on easy to maintain the chill atmosphere.

A 2D Mario masquerading as a 3D Mario. Played entirely multiplayer and almost entirely as Peach. Peach was my main back on Mario 2 for the S/NES when I was a wee babbu, you see. Probably second favourite Mario now after Yoshi's Island.

I dug this out of that colossal Itch bundle to tell you it's good. The Coming Of Age story is not often told in games. those few times it is, it's short, poignant, and very funny. To lost days and a potential future.

Streamed my entire playthrough of this. Slowly managing a farm that fell apart even slower. A lot of story plays out over letters you receive from family and friends. Bad things happen. Not much good. I managed to keep one goat.

First in a four part saga, sixth in a universe. First time I've played an RPG that felt like part of an epic fantasy. 90% character development, 10% political intrigue, and a ridiculous cliffhanger for the second game.

Silent Hill callback that started strong, but reiterated Bloober Team's usual problems. Badly written and non-committal gameplay. Old horror games used limits of the hardware to their advantage, this used technical advances to limit your abilities in game.

While I have a history with the first, I had never played this game until now. I didn't expect them to change up the formula so much, making it absurdly more difficult at points. I fear the inevitable third entry playthrough.

I thought the first one was too short, and had hoped its success would mean a lot more for this sequel... Turns out there's a lot less! But I think I liked it more anyway. Funny thing that.

A short visual novel about the suicide of a supreme AI. You play as disembodied hands that accurately predict the future. I wrote a story for Stray Lines 3 oddly similar to this, if you would consider Divination a sequel to it, they'd go together quite nicely

A 2-3 hour game about Beatris Summers, a private detective hired to investigate a recent murder at a business family's mansion. It's fantastic! Full of character, intrigue and a great send up to Raymond Chandler's work in such a small package.

I think it's also free? (It wasn't when I grabbed it at the Steam launch)

An old horror adventure game from 1998. You play a man trapped in an asylum trying to regain his memories, confront his past and find a way back to reality. A decadent horror you'd normally find in Silent Hill's otherworld. Says nothing about mental health.

Another weird art game on Itch that I had a good enough time with to recommend. Lo-fi distorted world, chill music, writing your name on things, I'll play it again.

Years later, I still listen to the OST.