A short Bithell game that seems to be set in the same universe as the other two. It's Solitaire! With a coat of spy fiction and there are eight suits with different abilities. I played it all in one sitting and really wish there was more. (Thankfully, they did add more after I originally wrote this review)

From the developers of Limbo, the two button puzzle platforming is taken to another level. A silent escape from an ominous string of men in suits with grim lighting and even grimmer deaths. Surprised I only got a single achievement in such a minimalist game.

I returned to this feeling nostalgic for Nier, and in light of a new game by the same dev. The first adventure game I didn't need to check a guide for, and solving the incomplete 16 digit code at the end with pen and paper was a triumph. These days, if anyone asks what adventure game I would recommend, this is the first I think of.

A remaster of a remake of a GBA game that was canonically the second game in KH. I have a notorious dislike of deckbuilders, but this? I found it unbearable to play and only suffered through it to fill the gap in my KH knowledge.

A short and odd game where you run, you gun, you work overtime for your demon controlled boss, and you only get paid on commission. Started out as a passion project, and took a darker satirical tone when the dev got screwed over by a publisher.

I own too many copies of this game. It's an adventure game in the Japanese tradition(Policenauts, Silver Case) with a lot of nods to those games. Despite not being able to make my custom pronouns "Detective" I had an overall good time.

When I woke up today, I didn't expect to play 2 entire campaigns in a minimalist 1-bit RTS, but I'm glad I did. Normal mode is a constant battle of attrition and sometimes has completely different mechanics to Easy, and sometimes you're screwed by upgrades.


An FMV game designed to be played with a phone. FMV games get a bad rap and I don't think this did it any favours. Disappointed with the lack of variation per run, which could have been taken to the extreme with this format. Erica never develops as a character.

Counting as a separate game as it’s wildly different to its partner on the cart. I don’t think this is the future of Mario so much as it’s small enough to experiment with a concept. Seemed generous for a while but the last stretch put that in perspective.

Really glad I replayed this. What seems a straightforward journey in the distance future become an exercise in empathy and becoming a monster to save those you love. It makes you repeat a lot as you go, but it's all worth it in the end.

Just having a horror kind of day, and decided to stream the entire thing. Mostly the same thoughts as Fatum Betula, except has clear influence from specific survival horror games. You can't miss it. Changed to first person early on and never turned back.

A short indie horror game where you can pop several endings in half an hour if you know what to do. Offbeat PSX aesthetic is pretty commonplace in games like this these days, partially because of the history of horror games, and partially because it works.

Another month, another JRPG. It was actually pretty good! High schoolers turning into magical girls is a prominent genre with strangely little video game presence. Noticeably unpolished though, probably ran out of time or money.

A low budget visual novel for a world that needs more. It was an interesting transition from the edgy and obscene writing of Bloodlines to this classier affair. I should probably return for a different route.

A small heavily Outrun inspired racing game I got on the cheap. You'll spend a lot of time early on grinding upgrades for your car, and mechanics are simple, but a lot of care was put into this game. Raced every track and had a great time.