one of the few indie roguelikes that truly rises above the rest. fast-paced and super skill-specific, you can beat a stage in like 5 seconds or die in half a second. leads to some of the most enjoyable and repeatable roguelike gameplay we've gotten; you can do an entire double-loop run in just 30 minutes or so if you're cracked enough.

this is the reason games have physics engines now and nothing these days comes close to utilizing engines as well as this did

probably the worst platforming every programmed in a mario game. it gave us daisy though so hey

interesting but the gameplay is literally just a walking sim

they gave it the donkey kong 64 treatment and put in unnecessary character switching and it has no analog controls... why make this game the original did not need this

it's a generic-ass ubisoft open world but it's an interactive kurosawa movie so i'm a fan

if you think botw has an empty open world you haven't seen shit son

the first mario game that is genuinely fun. huge stuff

the gold standard of 2d mario if we pretend yoshi's island doesn't exist

miyamoto himself basically said this game is bad. fuck this shit

if the anime/artwork were never released people would have no idea what these pokemon were supposed to look like based on these sprites. zero immersion whatsoever

people will try to tell you this is great but it's 100% nostalgia. the level curve is completely broken, there are no evolutionary stones anywhere, the movement is just as clunky as the first game, the list goes on. overrated, play hgss

had fun with this back in the day but i guess it no longer exists??? thanks valve